Indonesian Sentences About Colors

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Expand your Indonesian vocabulary with our carefully curated list of 20 sentences about "Colors." This page is perfect for learners seeking to enhance their skills with practical Indonesian sentences and phrases. Each sentence is paired with text-to-speech audio and accurate English translations, offering an interactive way to grasp the nuances of intermediate Indonesian. Whether you're preparing for a trip or refining your language skills, our sentences about colors in Indonesian will provide you with the context needed for real-world conversations. Dive into the vibrant world of Indonesian hues and bolster your language proficiency today.

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Indonesian from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • Anjing itu berwarna hitam.

    The dog is black.

  • Bingkai lukisan berwarna emas.

    The frame of the painting is gold.

  • Bukunya berwarna merah.

    His book is red.

  • Cahaya merah bersinar dalam gelap.

    A red light was glowing in the dark.

  • Dia memakan permen lolipop merah.

    He's eating a red lollipop.

  • Gadis itu mengenakan pita kuning di rambutnya.

    The girl wore yellow ribbons in her hair.

  • Iblis biasanya berwarna merah.

    The devil is usually red.

  • Iris matanya berwarna biru.

    The iris of her eyes was blue.

  • Kami mengecat pagar dengan warna putih kemarin.

    We painted the fences white yesterday.

  • Kaus kaki itu serasi dengan kemeja birunya.

    The socks matched her blue shirt.

  • Kertas berwarna putih.

    Paper is white.

  • Kucing itu berwarna putih.

    The cat is white.

  • Kurcaci itu memakai topi merah yang mengkilap.

    The dwarf had a shiny red hat.

  • Langit saat senja berwarna merah.

    The sky at dusk is red.

  • Mawarnya berwarna merah.

    The roses are red.

  • Mobil biru itu antik.

    The blue car is antique.

  • Pelangi adalah lengkungan tujuh warna di langit.

    A rainbow is a seven-colour arch in the sky.

  • Pisang berwarna kuning.

    Bananas are yellow.

  • Roknya berwarna kuning dengan bintik-bintik.

    Her skirt is yellow with polka dots.

  • Sepatu merahnya berpadu dengan kemeja hijau ini.

    The red shoes clash with this green shirt.

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