Indonesian Sentences About Describing People
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Enhance your Indonesian vocabulary with our Clozemaster page featuring 20 carefully selected sentences about "Describing People" in Indonesian. Ideal for intermediate Indonesian learners, these sentences come with text-to-speech audio and English translations, offering a comprehensive learning experience. Perfect your pronunciation, understand context, and master common Indonesian phrases effortlessly. Whether you're seeking to improve your conversational skills or expand your vocabulary, our curated sentences provide practical examples to help you achieve your language goals. Dive into Indonesian sentences that resonate with real-life situations and watch your proficiency soar as you navigate through this engaging language journey.
Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Indonesian from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.
Aku menduga dia adalah seorang pembohong.
I suspected he was a liar.
Anak laki-laki itu langsing.
The boy is slim.
Dia hampir sempurna.
He is almost perfect.
Dia memakai berlian yang berkilauan.
She was wearing sparkling diamonds.
Dia memang orang yang sangat baik.
He was indeed a very kind person.
Dia memiliki pipi yang indah dan kemerahan.
She has beautiful rosy cheeks.
Dia sangat bijaksana, berlawanan dengan kepercayaan umum.
He is very wise, contrary to popular belief.
Dia sangat bijaksana dan sabar.
She is very thoughtful and patient.
Dia sangat blak-blakan dalam bersikap.
He is very blunt in his manner.
Dia sangat cerdas untuk anak berusia lima tahun.
He's very smart for a five-year-old.
Dia terlihat sangat pucat hari ini.
He looked unusually pale today.
Mary bertubuh ramping dan tinggi.
Mary is lean and tall.
Matamu punya daya tarik tertentu.
Your eyes have a certain magnetism.
Pria itu benar-benar orang yang bodoh.
The man is a complete blockhead.
Saya merasa seringan bulu.
I felt light as a feather.
Siapa di antara orang tuamu yang mirip denganmu?
Which of your parents do you resemble?
Sikapnya agak tidak menyenangkan.
Her attitude was rather disagreeable.
Tom lebih berani daripada aku.
Tom is braver than I am.
Tom sangat tampan.
Tom is exceptionally handsome.
Tom secepat macan tutul.
Tom is as fast as a leopard.
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