Indonesian Sentences About Internet
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Discover the perfect resource for enhancing your Indonesian vocabulary with our curated list of 20 Indonesian sentences about the "Internet" on Clozemaster. Designed for intermediate Indonesian learners, this page features sentences accompanied by text-to-speech audio and English translations, allowing you to grasp the nuances of Indonesian phrases effectively. Whether you're aiming to expand your language skills or understand everyday Indonesian language use, these sentences serve as a valuable tool. Dive deeper into the world of intermediate Indonesian and boost your proficiency by exploring practical and relevant vocabulary tailored to the digital age.
Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Indonesian from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.
Aku harap bisa menemukan cara untuk menonaktifkan komentar di blogku.
I wish I could figure out how to disable comments on my blog.
Aku menambahkan situs web ini ke favoritku.
I added this website to my favorites.
Aku mengunggah foto-foto kemarin.
I uploaded the photos yesterday.
Aku terus menerima email yang tidak diinginkan.
I keep receiving unwanted emails.
Bagaimana caraku mengunggah foto ke situs web-mu?
How can I upload a photo to your website?
Bagaimana cara menambahkan tag ke kalimat?
How can I add tags to a sentence?
Beberapa komentar memang menakutkan.
Some comments are scary.
Bioskop kehilangan lebih banyak pendapatan karena pembajakan internet.
Movie theaters are losing more and more revenue due to internet piracy.
Ingatlah untuk menetapkan kata sandi yang kuat.
Remember to set a strong password.
Kami mengirimimu email berisi tautan aktivasi.
We sent you an email with an activation link.
Kata sandi yang kamu masukkan tidak valid.
The password you have entered is invalid.
Keamanan sistem pun terganggu.
The system's security was compromised.
Klik tautan tersebut.
Click on the link.
Lihat profil saya untuk informasi lebih lanjut.
View my profile for more information.
Orang-orang banyak membicarakan tentang jejaring sosial akhir-akhir ini.
People talk a lot about social networks these days.
Saya hanya ingin memeriksa email saya.
I just wanted to check my email.
Saya tidak dapat menyambungkan ponsel ke Internet.
I cannot connect my phone to the Internet.
Situs web kami menarik banyak pengguna.
Our website attracts a lot of users.
Tom selalu online.
Tom is always online.
Wikipedia adalah ensiklopedia terbaik di Internet.
Wikipedia is the best encyclopedia on the Internet.
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