Indonesian Sentences About Law
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Enhance your Indonesian vocabulary with our curated list of 20 sentences focused on "Law". Perfect for those learning intermediate Indonesian, each sentence is accompanied by text-to-speech audio and English translations, allowing you to practice pronunciation and improve comprehension. Our selection of Indonesian sentences and phrases offers a practical approach to mastering legal terminology in context. Whether you’re a language enthusiast or preparing for a trip, these sentences will boost your confidence and language skills. Dive into the world of Indonesian law and elevate your learning experience with Clozemaster’s comprehensive resources.
Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Indonesian from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.
Anda tidak boleh menggunakan kekerasan.
You must never resort to force.
Apakah Anda akan melaporkan semuanya dengan jujur?
Will you report everything truthfully?
Dia didakwa dengan tuduhan konspirasi.
He was charged with conspiracy.
Dia dijebak atas tuduhan pembunuhan.
He was framed for murder.
Dia menyalahgunakan hak istimewa tersebut.
He abused the privilege.
Kami harus memberi tahu polisi.
We have to notify the police.
Kejahatan tersebut dapat dihukum mati.
That crime is punishable by death.
Kenapa kau menuduh anakku?
Why do you accuse my son?
Mencuri adalah tindakan ilegal.
Stealing is illegal.
Menurutku hukuman mati harus dihapuskan.
I thought the death penalty should be abolished.
Menyebarkan rumor palsu dapat dianggap sebagai pencemaran nama baik.
Spreading false rumors could be considered libel.
Parlemen menyetujui undang-undang baru tersebut minggu lalu.
Parliament approved the new law last week.
Pengacara meragukan ketidakbersalahannya.
The lawyer doubted his innocence.
Polisi membubarkan kerumunan massa.
The police dispersed the crowd.
Polisi mencurigai pergerakannya.
The police were suspicious of his movements.
Polisi mengumpulkan bukti-bukti.
The police gathered the evidence.
Rumah itu digerebek oleh polisi.
The house was raided by the police.
Setiap orang berhak atas keadilan yang sama.
Everyone deserves fair justice.
Sudah sah untuk memberikan suara pada usia 18 tahun.
It is legal to vote at the age of 18.
Tindakan ini merupakan pelanggaran serius.
This action constitutes a serious offense.
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