Indonesian Sentences About Philosophy
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Welcome to Clozemaster’s curated list of 20 engaging sentences about "Philosophy" in Indonesian. Perfect for those looking to enhance their Indonesian vocabulary, this page offers meticulously selected Indonesian sentences combined with text-to-speech audio and English translations. Each sentence serves as a practical tool to elevate your understanding and usage of Indonesian phrases, providing valuable practice for those at an intermediate Indonesian level. Whether you're aiming to grasp the intricacies of philosophical discourse or simply want to expand your Indonesian vocabulary, these sentences offer an interactive and effective learning experience. Start mastering Indonesian phrases today with Clozemaster!
Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Indonesian from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.
Aku tidak meminta beban yang lebih ringan, tapi untuk bahu yang lebih lebar.
I ask not for a lighter burden, but for broader shoulders.
Apakah keinginan menjadi kenyataan?
Do wishes come true?
Cuaca buruk bukanlah halangan.
Bad weather is no obstacle.
Dikatakan bahwa kebenaran selalu menang.
It is said that truth always triumphs.
Dunia adalah milik para pemberani.
The world belongs to the courageous.
Hidup ini penuh dengan perubahan.
Life is full of changes.
Kapan keserakahan manusia akan berakhir?
When will human greed end?
Kecerdasan buatan tidak dapat mengalahkan kebodohan alami.
Artificial intelligence cannot beat natural foolishness.
Kesabaran adalah sebuah kebajikan.
Patience is a virtue.
Kita tidak bisa lepas dari takdir kita.
We cannot escape our fate.
Lebih baik menjadi orang bodoh yang bahagia daripada orang bijak yang tidak bahagia.
Better to be a happy fool than an unhappy sage.
Luangkan waktu untuk merenung.
Take the time to reflect.
Manusia tidak semahakuasa Tuhan.
Man is not as almighty as God.
Menabur angin, menuai angin puyuh.
Sow the wind, reap the whirlwind.
Perang hanya menghasilkan kehancuran yang tidak masuk akal dan penuh kekerasan.
War results only in senseless and violent destruction.
Rumahku istanaku.
My home is my castle.
Sang pencari tak kenal lelah mencari kebenaran.
The seeker tirelessly searched for truth.
Semakin banyak yang diketahui seseorang, semakin ia menemukan ketidaktahuannya.
The more a man knows, the more he discovers his ignorance.
Situasinya adalah sebuah paradoks.
The situation was a paradox.
Tergantung pada konteksnya.
It depends on the context.
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