Italian Sentences About At the Office

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Boost your intermediate Italian vocabulary with our curated list of 20 essential sentences about "At the Office" on Clozemaster. Designed to enhance your Italian learning experience, these sentences come complete with text-to-speech audio and English translations, helping you master Italian phrases with ease. Whether you're preparing for a trip to Italy or simply aiming to improve your language skills, these Italian sentences offer practical insights into everyday office lingo. Ideal for intermediate learners, our selection helps bridge the gap between beginner and advanced proficiency, making your journey to fluency smoother and more enjoyable. Perfect your Italian today!

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Italian from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • Durante la riunione, lui ha chiesto informazioni sullo stato di avanzamento del progetto.

    During the meeting, he inquired about the progress of the project.

  • Entrambi sono i miei colleghi.

    Both are my colleagues.

  • Ho bisogno della tua conferma per questo.

    I need your confirmation for this.

  • Ho chiesto al mio capo un aumento di stipendio.

    I asked my boss for a pay increase.

  • Il mio ufficio è situato in centro.

    My office is located downtown.

  • Il nostro team sta lavorando su un progetto importante il prossimo mese.

    Our team is working on an important project next month.

  • Il progresso viene monitorato quotidianamente e memorizzato in un database.

    Progress is monitored daily and stored in a database.

  • La maggior parte dei nostri dipendenti sono giovani.

    Most of our employees are young.

  • La nostra azienda elabora molti moduli quotidianamente.

    Our company processes many forms daily.

  • La stampante ha bisogno di carta.

    The printer needs paper.

  • Lavoro in uno studio contabile.

    I work in an accounting office.

  • Le è stato concesso di essere assente alla riunione.

    She was excused from attendance at the meeting.

  • Lei era annoiata nella riunione.

    She was bored in the meeting.

  • Mi scuso per il ritardo nell'invio dell'ordine del giorno.

    I apologize for the delay in sending the agenda.

  • Per favore, fammi sapere lo stato.

    Please let me know the status.

  • Quella è la tua matita?

    Is that your pencil?

  • Stiamo istituendo nuove procedure aziendali.

    We are establishing new company procedures.

  • Sto firmando il mio contratto.

    I am signing my contract.

  • Taglia le chiacchiere e mettiti al lavoro.

    Cut the chit-chat and get to work.

  • Ti piacciono i tuoi colleghi?

    Do you like your coworkers?

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