Italian Sentences About Education
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Boost your Italian vocabulary with Clozemaster's curated list of 20 essential sentences about "Education" in Italian. Designed for intermediate Italian learners, this page offers hands-on practice with Italian sentences and phrases, each featuring text-to-speech audio and accurate English translations. Whether you're expanding your educational lexicon or refining your conversational skills, these Italian phrases provide an engaging way to deepen your understanding of the language. Immerse yourself in real-world vocabulary and enhance your learning experience with Clozemaster, the ideal resource for mastering intermediate Italian through practical exposure and interactive listening. Explore now to elevate your Italian fluency!
Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Italian from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.
Cosa significa questo paragrafo?
What does this paragraph mean?
Dobbiamo cercare di ridurre la sua complessità.
We have to try to reduce its complexity.
È immerso nella sua ricerca.
He is absorbed in his research.
È stata sorpresa a sognare ad occhi aperti durante la lezione.
She was caught daydreaming during the class.
Hai finito di scrivere la tua tesi?
Have you finished writing your thesis?
Ha raccolto materiali per il progetto.
He collected materials for the project.
Ha superato tutti i suoi esami con successo.
She passed all her tests successfully.
Ha vinto il premio per l'eccellenza in tutte le materie.
He won the prize for excellence in all subjects.
Il preside detiene l'autorità nella scuola.
The principal holds the authority in the school.
I miei studenti hanno atteso con impazienza i risultati del test.
My students have been eagerly awaiting the test results.
I miei voti sono sopra la media.
My grades are above average.
La biblioteca è una grande risorsa.
The library is a great resource.
Lascia che te lo spieghi con un diagramma.
Let me explain it with a diagram.
La sua spiegazione lucida aveva senso.
His lucid explanation made sense.
Lei è popolare a scuola.
She is popular at school.
Lei ha lavorato sul problema complesso.
She labored over the complex problem.
Lei non si è preparata adeguatamente per il test.
She did not prepare adequately for the test.
Non riesce a superare il corso di matematica.
He is failing his math class.
Nulla potrà ostacolare il suo studio.
Nothing will hinder her study.
Questi libri appartengono alla biblioteca.
These books belong to the library.
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