Italian Sentences About Jobs
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Enhance your Italian vocabulary with Clozemaster's curated list of 20 sentences about "Jobs." Perfect for intermediate Italian learners, this resource provides a practical way to master Italian sentences and phrases commonly used in professional settings. Each sentence is accompanied by text-to-speech audio for accurate pronunciation and English translations to aid comprehension. Whether you're preparing for a job interview or aiming to boost your conversational skills, these Italian phrases will help elevate your language proficiency. Dive into this interactive learning experience and make significant strides in your journey to mastering intermediate Italian.
Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Italian from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.
C'è qualche possibilità che lui si dimetta?
Is there any possibility of his resigning?
Dobbiamo farlo ricercare da un biologo.
We need to have this researched by a biologist.
Governare un paese non è un compito facile.
To govern a country is not an easy job.
Guido un camion delle consegne.
I drive a delivery truck.
Ha deciso di diventare uno scrittore.
He decided to become an author.
Ha indossato un abito per apparire professionale al suo colloquio di lavoro.
He wore a suit to look professional for his job interview.
Ho bisogno di un interprete.
I need an interpreter.
Lei lavora nell'industria dei cosmetici.
She works in the cosmetics industry.
Lei lavora per un'agenzia pubblicitaria.
She works for an advertising agency.
Lei vuole guadagnare più soldi.
She wants to earn more money.
Lui scrive sceneggiature per programmi televisivi.
He writes scripts for TV shows.
Mark è un imprenditore di successo.
Mark is a successful entrepreneur.
Mio fratello è un camionista a lungo raggio.
My brother is a long-haul trucker.
Tom è inadatto per quel lavoro.
Tom is unfit for that job.
Tom è un architetto.
Tom is an architect.
Tom rifiuta di lavorare.
Tom refuses to work.
Tom sta cercando un lavoro.
Tom is seeking a job.
Tom sta progettando il suo primo edificio.
Tom is designing his first building.
Un calzolaio crea e ripara scarpe.
A cobbler makes and repairs shoes.
Vuole diventare una designer.
She wants to be a designer.
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