Italian Sentences About Shopping
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Enhance your Italian vocabulary with Clozemaster's curated list of 20 sentences about "Shopping" in Italian. Perfect for intermediate Italian learners, these sentences are designed to boost your understanding of everyday Italian phrases. Each sentence comes with text-to-speech audio and English translations to improve both your listening and comprehension skills. Dive into real-world Italian sentences and immerse yourself in the nuanced language of shopping. Whether you're preparing for travel or enhancing your linguistic skills, our Italian sentences provide practical, engaging learning. Master Italian phrases effortlessly with Clozemaster and elevate your language proficiency to new heights.
Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Italian from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.
Abbiamo comprato necessità per il nostro viaggio.
We bought essentials for our trip.
Devi pagare un extra per le batterie.
You need to pay extra for the batteries.
Dove si trova la panetteria?
Where is the bakery?
Ha comprato delle mele fresche dal mercato.
She bought fresh apples from the market.
Ha comprato il pollo.
She bought chicken.
Ha comprato un paio di scarpe rosse.
She bought a pair of red shoes.
Ho bisogno di una lozione per il corpo.
I need body lotion.
Ho bisogno di un po' di soldi per fare shopping.
I need some money for shopping.
Il centro commerciale è deserto.
The mall is deserted.
I ricordi sono venduti o sono in vendita.
Souvenirs are sold or are for sale.
La garanzia per la mia TV è scaduta.
The warranty for my TV is expired.
Non avevano più scorte disponibili.
They had no more stock available.
Perché hai comprato fiori?
Why did you buy flowers?
Quanto costa un metro di questa seta rossa?
How much is a meter of this red silk?
Questo è il negozio più economico della città.
This is the cheapest store in town.
Si prega di pagare alla cassa.
Please pay at the register.
Vado al mercato ogni domenica pomeriggio.
I go to the bazaar every Sunday afternoon.
Voglio comprare un ananas.
I want to buy a pineapple.
Voglio un rimborso.
I want a refund.
Voglio un tavolino basso.
I want a low table.
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