Japanese Sentences About Art

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Welcome to Clozemaster's engaging platform designed to boost your intermediate Japanese skills! Our curated list of 20 practical Japanese sentences about art, complete with text-to-speech audio and accurate English translations, serves as an excellent resource for expanding your Japanese vocabulary. Dive into the beauty of Japanese phrases that capture the essence of art and creativity. Whether you're an art enthusiast or eager to refine your language proficiency, these sentences will enhance your understanding and expression in Japanese. Get ready to master essential Japanese vocabulary with Clozemaster's interactive learning experience. Start speaking like a native by practicing with our Japanese sentences today!

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Japanese from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • この会話は傑作だ。

    This conversation is a masterpiece.

  • このイラストレーターの作風はとても気まぐれです。

    The illustrator's style is quite whimsical.

  • この劇はミュージカルです。

    This play is a musical.

  • この劇は実際の出来事に基づいています。

    The play is based on true events.

  • この壁は落書きだらけです。

    The wall is covered with graffiti.

  • トムは展示物を見た。

    Tom saw the exhibits.

  • 庭は自然と建築の調和を生み出すように設計されました。

    The garden was designed to create a harmonious balance between nature and architecture.

  • 彼女は一種の慰めとして詩作に没頭した。

    She turned to her writing of poetry as a kind of consolation.

  • 彼女はコンサートで演奏します。

    She will perform at the concert.

  • 彼女の部屋の壁はポスターで覆われていた。

    The walls of her room were covered in posters.

  • 彼の最新の創作は傑作です。

    His latest creation is a masterpiece.

  • 彼はその絵を見つめていました。

    He was gawking at the painting.

  • 皆が彼のパフォーマンスを称賛していた。

    Everyone was applauding his performance.

  • 監督業は、すべての俳優がやりたがっています。

    Directing is what all actors say they want to do.

  • 私たちは演奏者に拍手を送りました 。

    We gave the performer a clap.

  • アーティストは素晴らしい彫刻を制作します。

    The artist creates stunning sculptures.

  • 聖人はいつも頭上に後光が描写されています。

    Saints are always depicted with a halo over their heads.

  • その肖像画は背景が暗かった。

    The portrait had a dark background.

  • この詩は無名の詩人によって書かれました。

    This poem was written by a nameless poet.

  • そのコメディアンはとても面白い。

    That comedian is very funny.

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