Japanese Sentences About At the Hotel

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Welcome to our interactive resource designed to boost your Japanese vocabulary with practical and essential Japanese sentences! Perfect for intermediate Japanese learners, our "At the Hotel" collection spotlights 20 key Japanese phrases you're likely to encounter during hotel stays. Complete with accurate English translations and clear text-to-speech audio, our sentences help you to both master pronunciation and understand context. Dive into our engaging content to enhance your conversational skills and comprehension, ensuring that your next hotel visit in Japan is as smooth and enjoyable as possible. Start learning now and make your Japanese language journey an exciting adventure with Clozemaster!

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Japanese from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • そのホテルのサービスは一流です。

    The services at the hotel are first-rate.

  • アパートはすべて入居済みです。

    All the apartments are occupied.

  • 助けが必要なら受付係に話してください。

    Speak to the receptionist for help.

  • ホテルの外でリムジンがトムを待っていました。

    There was a limousine waiting for Tom outside the hotel.

  • 夜も遅くて疲れていたので、旅館に泊まりました。

    I stayed at an inn since it was late at night and I was tired.

  • もっと安い部屋はありますか?

    Do you have a cheaper room?

  • 彼を一晩宿泊させることができます。

    We can accommodate him for the night.

  • 彼女は快適なラウンジでくつろぎました。

    She relaxed in the comfortable lounge.

  • 彼女は豪華なステートルームで寝ています。

    She sleeps in a luxurious stateroom.

  • トムはロビーで待っている。

    Tom is waiting in the lobby.

  • ホテルのバーで待ち合わせをしましょう。

    Meet me at the hotel bar.

  • タオルが必要です。

    I need a towel.

  • ホテルの料金は手頃です。

    The hotel rates are affordable.

  • このホテルで暮らしています。

    I live in this hotel.

  • 空室の看板が真夜中に点滅した。

    The vacancy sign blinked at midnight.

  • ホテルに美容院はありますか?

    Is there a hairdresser in the hotel?

  • 荷解きを終わらせなければならない。

    I should finish unpacking.

  • 部屋にエアコンはついていますか?

    Does the room have air conditioning?

  • 部屋を整頓してください。

    Please keep your room tidy.

  • 食事は含まれているのですか?

    Are meals included?

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