Japanese Sentences About City

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Embark on a linguistic journey to elevate your Japanese vocabulary with our curated collection of 20 immersive Japanese sentences themed around "City". Each entry, complete with text-to-speech audio, offers a dynamic learning experience for intermediate Japanese learners. With engaging Japanese phrases and their English translations at your fingertips, you'll navigate through urban lingo seamlessly. Our comprehensive list is not only a tool to enhance your understanding of city-related terms but also a gateway to grasping the nuances of intermediate Japanese. Dive into the bustling world of city life in Japan by mastering these essential Japanese sentences, and watch your language skills flourish.

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Japanese from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • 今日は交通量が多いです。

    There's a lot of traffic today.

  • これらの労働者は道路を建設しています。

    These workmen are constructing a road.

  • この壁は落書きだらけです。

    The wall is covered with graffiti.

  • 学校が建てられました。

    Schools were built.

  • その店はダウンタウンの便利な場所にあります。

    The store is conveniently located downtown.

  • 彼の夢はアメリカの都市を訪れることです。

    My dream is to visit American cities.

  • 彼らは新しい都市に定住しました。

    They settled in the new city.

  • 彼はこの街で孤独を感じました。

    He felt lonesome in the city.

  • 彼らは郊外に住んでいる。

    They live in the suburbs.

  • ニューヨークは文化的にとても多様です。

    New York is very diverse culturally.

  • それは歴史的な記念碑だ。

    That's a historic monument.

  • 私たちは公園に行きます。

    We are going to the park.

  • 私は大きな都市に住んでいます。

    I live in a big city.

  • 私は小さな都市に住んでいます。

    I live in a small city.

  • 私の父は市役所でたくさんの影響力を持っています。

    My father has a lot of clout at city hall.

  • 私の近所の劇場は再建されています。

    The theater in my neighborhood is being rebuilt.

  • 荒らしに壊されたベンチはすでに取り替えられました。

    The benches broken by the vandals were already replaced.

  • ブラスバンドが通りを行進している。

    A brass band is marching along the street.

  • わたしは道の反対側に住んでいます。

    I live across the street.

  • ダウンタウンで駐車場を探すのはとてもイライラします。

    Finding parking downtown is so frustrating.

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