Japanese Sentences About Describing People

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Welcome to Clozemaster, the ultimate tool for boosting your Japanese vocabulary with practical Japanese sentences! Dive into our collection of 20 curated sentences focused on "Describing People" in Japanese. Perfect for intermediate Japanese learners, each phrase comes to life with text-to-speech audio to ensure correct pronunciation, alongside English translations for a comprehensive learning experience. Whether you're aiming to grow your descriptive language skills or sharpen your conversational abilities, our Japanese phrases are designed to propel your proficiency in no time. Get started now and master the art of describing people in Japanese with Clozemaster!

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Japanese from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • トムはとてもハンサムです。

    Tom is exceptionally handsome.

  • この3人のかわいい女の子は全員私の姪です。

    These three pretty girls are all nieces of mine.

  • あなたはどちらのご両親に似ていますか?

    Which of your parents do you resemble?

  • 今日の彼はいつもと違って青ざめていた。

    He looked unusually pale today.

  • トムはヒョウと同じくらい速い。

    Tom is as fast as a leopard.

  • 彼は世間一般の考えとは裏腹にとても賢いです。

    He is very wise, contrary to popular belief.

  • 彼女はとても思いやりがあり忍耐強いです。

    She is very thoughtful and patient.

  • 彼女は美しいバラ色の頬をしている。

    She has beautiful rosy cheeks.

  • 彼女は輝くダイヤモンドを身に着けていました。

    She was wearing sparkling diamonds.

  • 彼は実に親切な人でした。

    He was indeed a very kind person.

  • 彼の態度はとても無愛想です。

    He is very blunt in his manner.

  • その男の子は細身だ。

    The boy is slim.

  • あの男は完全なまぬけだ。

    The man is a complete blockhead.

  • メアリーは痩せていて、背が高いです。

    Mary is lean and tall.

  • あなたの目にはある種の魅力があります。

    Your eyes have a certain magnetism.

  • トムは私より勇敢だ。

    Tom is braver than I am.

  • 私は彼が嘘つきだと疑いました。

    I suspected he was a liar.

  • 私たちは彼女のおおよその年齢しか分かりません。

    We can only know her approximate age.

  • 私は羽のように軽く感じた。

    I felt light as a feather.

  • 私は速く泳げます。

    I am a fast swimmer.

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