Japanese Sentences About House

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Looking to enhance your Japanese vocabulary with practical usage? Our Clozemaster page presents an engaging collection of 20 Japanese sentences centered around the theme of "House," complete with text-to-speech audio and English translations. Ideal for intermediate Japanese learners, this resource offers a dynamic way to grasp everyday Japanese phrases in context. Strengthen your language skills by immersing yourself in authentic Japanese sentences that will not only expand your vocabulary but also improve your pronunciation and listening comprehension. Get ready to boost your Japanese with these meticulously curated sentences, tailored to help you converse confidently about home and dwelling spaces in Japan.

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Japanese from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • トムはベッドに変わるソファで寝ています。

    Tom sleeps on a sofa that converts into a bed.

  • とても大きな家ですね。

    That's a very big house.

  • 大理石の床は美しいです。

    Marble floors are beautiful.

  • この家には3つの浴室があります。

    This house has three bathrooms.

  • 家が陥没しました。

    The house caved in.

  • この家には高い価値があります。

    This house has a lot of value.

  • 寝室は上の階です。

    The bedrooms are upstairs.

  • トムは屋上にいます。

    Tom is on the roof.

  • ハンカチは引き出しの中にあります。

    The handkerchiefs are in the drawer.

  • 彼はグラス一杯の水をくれました。

    He gave me a glass of water.

  • 彼らはアパートを借りた。

    They rented an apartment.

  • 彼らの家のセキュリティはしっかりしています。

    Their house had a good security system.

  • 彼は質素なアパートに住んでいた。

    He lived in a crappy apartment.

  • 本を一番上の棚に置いてください。

    Put the book on the top shelf.

  • 白いカーペットは清潔に保つのが難しいものです。

    White carpets are very hard to keep clean.

  • 私たちは二つの別々の 家 に住んでいます。

    We live in two separate houses.

  • 私たちはその家の契約書にサインしました。

    We signed a contract for the house.

  • 私はこの家に強い愛着を感じています。

    I feel a strong attachment to this house.

  • 私たちはあなたの希望に沿って家を建てています。

    We are building your house in compliance with your wishes.

  • トムは自分の家に部屋を足した。

    Tom added a room to his house.

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