Japanese Sentences About Law

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Elevate your command of legal terminology with our targeted Japanese vocabulary builder on Clozemaster! Discover 20 authoritative Japanese sentences pertaining to "Law," each complete with accurate English translations. Ideal for intermediate Japanese learners, our carefully chosen phrases come to life with text-to-speech audio, enhancing pronunciation and comprehension. Mastering these essential Japanese phrases on law will not only boost your language skills but also give you the confidence to engage in more complex legal discussions. Dive into the specifics of Japanese legal language and expand your linguistic arsenal today with Clozemaster's immersive sentences.

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Japanese from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • 十八歳で投票することは合法です。

    It is legal to vote at the age of 18.

  • その家は警察に家宅捜索されました 。

    The house was raided by the police.

  • 弁護士は彼の無実を疑った。

    The lawyer doubted his innocence.

  • 彼は共謀で告訴された。

    He was charged with conspiracy.

  • 彼は殺人の濡れ衣を着せられました。

    He was framed for murder.

  • 彼の私生活に関する書類が強盗によって盗まれた。

    Documents relating to his private life were stolen in the burglary.

  • 彼は裁判日を待ち望んでいる。

    He's awaiting his court date.

  • 決して力に頼るべきではない。

    You must never resort to force.

  • 法律はすべての国民に納税を義務課しています。

    The laws oblige all citizens to pay taxes.

  • なぜあなたは私の息子を非難するのですか?

    Why do you accuse my son?

  • 私は罰金を科せられた。

    I got fined.

  • その罪は死によって罰せられるべきだ。

    That crime is punishable by death.

  • 虚偽の噂を広めることは名誉毀損とみなされる可能性があります。

    Spreading false rumors could be considered libel.

  • 裁判官は以前の判決を覆しました。

    The judge overruled the previous decision.

  • 誰もが公平な正義を受ける権利があります。

    Everyone deserves fair justice.

  • 警察官は事件現場で武器を発見しました。

    The officer found a weapon at the crime scene.

  • 警察は彼の動向を疑っていた。

    The police were suspicious of his movements.

  • 警察が証拠を集めていました。

    The police gathered the evidence.

  • 議会は先週新しい法律を承認しました。

    Parliament approved the new law last week.

  • 遺言書は裁判所によって無効とされました。

    The will was declared void by the court.

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