Lithuanian Sentences About Love

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Unlock the power of love in language learning with our curated list of 20 Lithuanian sentences about "Love" on Clozemaster. Perfect for learners aiming to expand their Lithuanian vocabulary, each sentence is accompanied by text-to-speech audio and English translations. These carefully selected Lithuanian phrases are designed to cater to intermediate Lithuanian speakers looking to deepen their understanding of the language. Whether you're practicing for fluency or brushing up on romantic expressions, our list offers a comprehensive resource for mastering Lithuanian phrases with ease. Elevate your language skills today with Clozemaster's engaging approach to Lithuanian sentences on love.

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Lithuanian from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • Aš esu apsėstas tavimi.

    You are my obsession.

  • Aš įsimylėjau jį beprotiškai.

    I fell madly in love with him.

  • Aš mėgstu gaminti makaronus.

    I love cooking pasta.

  • Jai patinka jos universiteto paskaitos.

    She loves her college courses.

  • Jie buvo aukštosios mokyklos simpatijos.

    They were high school sweethearts.

  • Ji išties mylėjo savo brangų draugą.

    She truly loved her dear friend.

  • Ji myli jį.

    She loves him.

  • Jis buvo įsimylėjęs tavo motiną.

    He was smitten with your mother.

  • Jis ją mylėjo visa širdimi.

    He loved her with all his heart.

  • Liūdna, kai tavęs nemylėjo, bet dar liūdniau, kai negali mylėti.

    It is sad not to be loved, but it is much sadder not to be able to love.

  • Mano meilė niekada neišnyks.

    My love will never disappear.

  • Mano mieloji, aš pasiilgau tavęs.

    My dear, I've missed you.

  • Man patinka romantikos romanai.

    I love romance novels.

  • Mary yra mano sužadėtinė.

    Mary is my fiancée.

  • Meilė neturi ribų.

    Love knows no limits.

  • Meilės niekada nebūna be pavydo.

    Love is never without jealousy.

  • Meilė viską įveikia.

    Love conquers all.

  • Tomas myli architektūrą.

    Tom loves architecture.

  • Tomas pabučiavo ją į skruostą.

    Tom kissed her on the cheek.

  • Tu esi mano saulės šviesa.

    You are my sunshine.

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