Lithuanian Sentences About Sports

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Boost your intermediate Lithuanian vocabulary efficiently with our curated list of 20 sports-related sentences on Clozemaster. Designed for language enthusiasts aiming to master Lithuanian, each sentence is accompanied by text-to-speech audio and clear English translations, ensuring precise pronunciation and comprehension. Ideal for reinforcing common Lithuanian phrases and sentences associated with sports, this resource provides an engaging way to expand your linguistic skills. Dive into the world of Lithuanian language learning and enhance your proficiency with these practical examples. Perfect for both self-study learners and those looking to supplement their existing language courses.

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Lithuanian from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • Ar tau patinka boulingas?

    Do you like bowling?

  • Aš daug žaidžiu tinklinį.

    I play volleyball a lot.

  • Aš jį įveikiau golfe.

    I beat him at golf.

  • Bobas mėgsta žaisti sporto žaidimus.

    Bob enjoys playing sports.

  • Jam pavyko laimėti lenktynes.

    He succeeded in winning the race.

  • Jie laimėjo Japonijos taurę trys metus iš eilės.

    They won the Japan Cup three years in succession.

  • Ji laimi lenktynes.

    She is winning the race.

  • Jis yra geras sportininkas.

    He is a good athlete.

  • Ji vos galėjo vaikščioti po bėgiojimo.

    She could barely walk after running.

  • Jo prognozė dėl žaidimo buvo neteisinga.

    His prediction for the game was wrong.

  • Kiekvieną popietę ji užsiima gimnastika.

    She practices gymnastics every afternoon.

  • Mano sūnaus futbolo komanda laimėjo rungtynes.

    My son's football team won the game.

  • Namų komanda visada turi pranašumą prieš savo varžovus.

    The home team always has an advantage over their opponents.

  • Pažaiskime skvošo žaidimą.

    Let's play a game of squash.

  • Po sunkaus smūgio žaidime žaidėjas buvo be sąmonės.

    After a hard hit in the game, the player was unconscious.

  • Ronas mėgsta banglentininkystę.

    Ron likes surfing.

  • Tai buvo nederamas žaidimas.

    It was a foul play.

  • Tomui patinka lakrosas.

    Tom likes lacrosse.

  • Žaisdamas krepšinį susižeidžiau blauzdą.

    I injured my calf playing basketball.

  • Žiūrėdami krepšinį jie nervinasi.

    They get nervous while watching basketball.

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