Dutch Sentences About Agreeing

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Welcome to our focused learning resource designed to enhance your Dutch vocabulary through practical Dutch sentences! This page is a treasure trove for intermediate Dutch learners looking to master the art of agreeing in everyday conversations. Our carefully curated list of 20 essential Dutch phrases comes equipped with accurate English translations and high-quality text-to-speech audio, enabling you to hear the natural pronunciation of each phrase. Dive into our interactive learning experience and elevate your language skills by familiarizing yourself with key expressions of agreement - a fundamental stepping stone towards fluency in Dutch. Start practicing now and become proficient in giving affirmative responses in the Dutch language!

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Dutch from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • Bedankt voor het instemmen met dit interview.

    Thank you for agreeing to this interview.

  • De stemming is unaniem.

    The vote is unanimous.

  • De theorie zal algemene acceptatie vinden.

    The theory will find general acceptance.

  • Dit heeft mijn goedkeuring.

    This has my approval.

  • Grote geesten denken hetzelfde.

    Great minds think alike.

  • Ik ben ervan overtuigd dat je het geweldig zult doen.

    I'm convinced you'll do great.

  • Ik ben het deels met je eens.

    I partly agree with you.

  • Ik ben het eens met die stelling.

    I agree with that statement.

  • Ik ben het eens met sommige van je meningen.

    I agree with some of your opinions.

  • Ik ben het volledig met jullie allemaal eens.

    I fully agree with all of you.

  • Ik heb toegestemd om te gaan.

    I consented to go.

  • Ik verbaas me erover hoe je met het voorstel kon instemmen.

    I marvel at how you could agree to the proposal.

  • Je had helemaal gelijk.

    You were totally right.

  • Wat mij betreft, heb ik geen bezwaar.

    As for me, I have no objection.

  • We hebben de vergadertijd afgesproken.

    We agreed on the meeting time.

  • We hebben gisteren de overeenkomst ondertekend.

    We signed the agreement yesterday.

  • Ze gingen akkoord met een tijdelijk bestand.

    They agreed to a temporary truce.

  • Ze keurde mijn plan goed.

    She approved of my plan.

  • Ze stemde met tegenzin in met ons voorstel.

    She reluctantly agreed to our proposal.

  • Ze stemden er unaniem mee in.

    They agreed to it unanimously.

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