Dutch Sentences About Household

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Welcome to Clozemaster's comprehensive resource for boosting your Dutch vocabulary with practical, intermediate Dutch sentences tailored to everyday household contexts. Immerse yourself in our curated collection, featuring 20 essential Dutch phrases complete with English translations and clear text-to-speech audio, perfect for fine-tuning pronunciation. These handpicked Dutch sentences are designed to strengthen your grasp of household terminology and accelerate your language proficiency. Whether you're tidying up your knowledge or dusting off your skills, join us to navigate the intricacies of intermediate Dutch phrases with ease.

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Dutch from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • Dat tafelkleed moet dringend gewassen worden.

    That tablecloth urgently needs washing.

  • De hoofdklep is dichtgedraaid.

    The main valve is turned off.

  • De klok hangt aan de muur.

    The clock is on the wall.

  • De lichten zijn uit.

    The lights are out.

  • De loodgieter heeft onze lekkende gootsteen gerepareerd.

    The plumber fixed our leaking sink.

  • De tegel die van het dak viel, brak in stukken.

    The tile which fell from the roof broke into pieces.

  • Dit oosterse tapijt past goed bij mijn woonkamer.

    This oriental rug suits my living room.

  • Drie lampen zijn doorgebrand.

    Three bulbs have burned out.

  • Er lagen stukjes gebroken glas op de grond.

    There were bits of broken glass on the floor.

  • Hoeveel kommen hebben we?

    How many bowls do we have?

  • Ik heb een set tafellinnen gekocht.

    I bought a set of table linen.

  • Ik heb het in de lade gelegd.

    I put it in the drawer.

  • Ik wil tien borden.

    I want ten plates.

  • In het begin had hij moeite om zich aan te passen aan het leven in zijn nieuwe huis.

    At first, he had trouble adjusting to living in his new house.

  • Tom is de koelkast aan het repareren.

    Tom is fixing the refrigerator.

  • Tom is in de kelder.

    Tom is in the basement.

  • Tom zat op een kruk in de hoek.

    Tom sat on a stool in the corner.

  • Was witte was apart van gekleurde kleding.

    Wash whites separately to colored clothes.

  • We hebben meer lepels nodig voor het avondeten.

    We need more spoons for dinner.

  • Ze gaf me een schoon bord.

    She gave me a clean plate.

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