Dutch Sentences About Numbers

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Welcome to your ultimate resource for expanding your Dutch vocabulary with numbers! Perfect for intermediate Dutch learners, our page provides 20 engaging Dutch sentences featuring numbers, complete with text-to-speech audio and English translations. Dive into a variety of Dutch phrases tailored to help you master counting and numerical expressions in a practical context. With our interactive approach, picking up numbers in Dutch has never been more straightforward and enjoyable. Ready to enhance your comprehension and speaking skills? Let's boost your numbers vocabulary with Clozemaster's effective language tools now!

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Dutch from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • Achtenveertig zeelieden zijn aan boord.

    Forty-eight sailors are on board.

  • Drie is mijn favoriete nummer.

    Three is my favorite number.

  • Er waren twee stukken taart.

    There were two pieces of cake.

  • Er zijn dertien mensen in de kamer.

    There are thirteen people in the room.

  • Er zijn drieduizend vaten wijn op het schip.

    There are three thousand barrels of wine on the ship.

  • Er zijn miljarden sterren aan de hemel.

    There are billions of stars in the sky.

  • Hij heeft twintig kinderen.

    He has twenty children.

  • Hij heeft vier mobiele telefoons.

    He has four mobile phones.

  • Hij was de tiende persoon die aankwam.

    He was the tenth person to arrive.

  • Hij won met een klein aantal stemmen.

    He won by a small number of votes.

  • Hoeveel cijfers heeft dat getal?

    How many digits does that number have?

  • Hoeveel dagen zijn er in een schrikkeljaar?

    How many days are there in a leap year?

  • Hoeveel mensen leven er op aarde?

    How many human beings live on Earth?

  • Hoeveel tentakels heeft een octopus?

    How many tentacles does an octopus have?

  • Ik hang twee klokken in de keuken.

    I hang two clocks in the kitchen.

  • Ik heb zes appels.

    I have six apples.

  • Ik wil vijf gehaktballen.

    I want five meatballs.

  • We zijn in totaal met zā€™n elven.

    We are eleven in all.

  • Zestig afgevaardigden werden verkozen.

    Sixty delegates were elected.

  • Zestig nieuwe musea zijn geopend.

    Sixty new museums opened.

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