Dutch Sentences About Senses

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Elevate your intermediate Dutch with Clozemaster's captivating collection of 20 sentences centered around the theme of "Senses". Our meticulously crafted page is tailored to enhance your Dutch vocabulary, presenting you with authentic Dutch sentences, complete with text-to-speech audio and English translations. Dive into the sensory realm of the Dutch language as you listen, repeat, and master Dutch phrases designed for the intermediate learner. Challenge your language skills and engage your senses as you immerse yourself in the intricacies of Dutch, and become proficient in conversing about touch, taste, sight, hearing, and smell with confidence. Join us and sense the progress!

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Dutch from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • Azijn heeft een scherpe smaak.

    Vinegar has a sharp taste.

  • De bar was zo rokerig dat mijn ogen begonnen te prikken.

    The bar was so smoky that my eyes started to sting.

  • De geur in de kamer was vies.

    The smell in the room was nasty.

  • De melk smaakt zuur.

    The milk tastes sour.

  • Een geluid wekte haar.

    A noise woke her up.

  • Er sprongen tranen in mijn ogen toen ik uien aan het hakken was.

    Tears came into my eyes when I was chopping onions.

  • Geurende zepen neigden ertoe haar huid te laten jeuken.

    Scented soaps tended to make her skin itch.

  • Haar parfum vulde de hele kamer.

    Her perfume filled the entire room.

  • Het harde geluid jaagt de baby schrik aan.

    The loud noise scares the baby.

  • Het heeft een aangename geur.

    It has a pleasant odor.

  • Hij hoorde voetstappen.

    He heard footsteps.

  • Hij slikte zijn eten snel door.

    He swallowed his food quickly.

  • Hij zag een klein vuur.

    He saw a small fire.

  • Ik ben de rozen aan het ruiken.

    I am smelling the roses.

  • Ik hou van de geur van napalm in de ochtend.

    I love the smell of napalm in the morning.

  • Ik ken dat geluid.

    I know that sound.

  • Kijk naar die mooie zonsondergang!

    Look at that beautiful sunset!

  • Rozenblaadjes zijn erg zacht.

    Rose petals are very soft.

  • Ruik dit eens.

    Smell this.

  • Ze houdt van de geur van dennebomen.

    She likes the smell of pine trees.

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