Persian Farsi Sentences About At the Office

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Looking to enhance your Persian Farsi vocabulary for the workplace? You've landed on the right page! Our Clozemaster list features 20 essential sentences about "At the Office" in Persian Farsi, complete with text-to-speech audio and English translations. Perfect for intermediate Persian Farsi learners, these sentences help you grasp common Persian Farsi phrases used in offices and professional settings. Whether you're preparing for a business trip or aiming to improve your language skills, these curated sentences provide practical and relevant vocabulary. Dive in to advance your intermediate Persian Farsi with real-world phrases and audio pronunciation.

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Persian Farsi from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • آیا همکارانت را دوست داری؟

    Do you like your coworkers?

  • اینجا دفتر من است.

    This is my office.

  • او از حضور در جلسه معاف شد.

    She was excused from attendance at the meeting.

  • او به مافوق خود گفت که چه فکر می‌کند.

    She told her superior what she thought.

  • او چندین ساعت کار کرد.

    He worked for several hours.

  • او در جلسه احساس کسلی داشت.

    She was bored in the meeting.

  • به‌خاطر تأخیر در ارسال دستورالعمل عذر می‌خواهم.

    I apologize for the delay in sending the agenda.

  • پرچانگی را قطع کنید و بروید سر کار.

    Cut the chit-chat and get to work.

  • پیشرفت روزانه نظارت شده و در یک پایگاه‌داده ذخیره می‌شود.

    Progress is monitored daily and stored in a database.

  • تیم ما قرار است ماه آینده روی پروژه مهمی کار کند.

    Our team is working on an important project next month.

  • چاپگر به کاغذ نیاز دارد.

    The printer needs paper.

  • در طول جلسه، او درباره پیشرفت پروژه پرس‌وجو کرد.

    During the meeting, he inquired about the progress of the project.

  • شرکت ما هر روز فرم‌های زیادی را پردازش می‌کند.

    Our company processes many forms daily.

  • لطفاً من را از وضعیت مطلع کنید.

    Please let me know the status.

  • ما به یک دستیار نیاز داریم، ترجیحاً کسی که با تجربه باشد.

    We want an assistant, preferably someone with experience.

  • ما در حال ایجاد رویه‌های جدید شرکت هستیم.

    We are establishing new company procedures.

  • من از رئیسم درخواست افزایش حقوق کردم.

    I asked my boss for a pay increase.

  • من برای این، نیاز به تأیید تو دارم.

    I need your confirmation for this.

  • من در حال امضاکردن قراردادم هستم.

    I am signing my contract.

  • هر دو همکاران من هستند.

    Both are my colleagues.

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