Persian Farsi Sentences About Disagreeing

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Looking to enhance your Persian Farsi vocabulary? Our Clozemaster page features 20 engaging sentences about "Disagreeing" in Persian Farsi, perfect for intermediate learners. Each sentence comes with text-to-speech audio and English translations, providing a comprehensive learning experience. Explore authentic Persian Farsi sentences and phrases that not only expand your vocabulary but also improve your pronunciation and comprehension. Master essential conversational skills and build confidence in your language abilities. Dive into these practical examples and take a significant step toward fluency in Persian Farsi!

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Persian Farsi from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • این برخلاف باورهای من است.

    That goes against my beliefs.

  • آن‌ها درباره پایان فیلم بحث کردند.

    They argued about the movie's ending.

  • او از خوردن سبزیجاتش امتناع می‌کند.

    She is refusing to eat her vegetables.

  • او با طرح جدید مخالف است.

    He is opposed to the new plan.

  • او به برنامه ما اعتراض کرد.

    He objected to our plan.

  • او در مقابل آزارهای دینی ایستاد.

    He stood against religious persecution.

  • او صرفاً به خاطر بحث کردن مجادله می‌کند.

    She argues just for the sake of arguing.

  • او علیه تبعیض نژادی مبارزه کرد.

    He fought against racial discrimination.

  • به طور کلی، جوانان از تشریفات خوششان نمی‌آید.

    In general, young people dislike formality.

  • تام از کارکردن خودداری می‌کند.

    Tom refuses to work.

  • دیدگاه‌های شما بسیار با دیدگاه‌های من متفاوت است.

    Your views are quite opposite to mine.

  • در همه مسائل عقیدتی، مخالفان ما دیوانه هستند.

    In all matters of opinion, our adversaries are insane.

  • شما از پرداخت پول خودداری کردید.

    You refused to pay.

  • شما همیشه در کلام من تردید می‌کنید.

    You are always doubting my word.

  • یک بیتل حشره نیست.

    A beetle is not a bug.

  • کمیته پیشنهاد را به دلیل اینکه غیرعملی بود رد کرد.

    The committee rejected the proposal on the grounds that it was impractical.

  • من اجازه رفتن به شما نمی‌دهم.

    I forbid you to leave.

  • من با او موافق نیستم.

    I don't agree with him.

  • من متوجه منطق شما نمی‌شوم.

    I cannot follow your logic.

  • نظر من بی‌ربط است.

    My opinion is irrelevant.

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