Persian Farsi Sentences About Possibility and Certainty

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Welcome to Clozemaster's dedicated page for mastering Persian Farsi vocabulary with an emphasis on "Possibility and Certainty". Here, you'll find 20 carefully curated Persian Farsi sentences and phrases, each accompanied by text-to-speech audio and precise English translations. This resource is meticulously designed for intermediate Persian Farsi learners aiming to enhance their understanding and fluency. By immersing yourself in these practical examples, you will naturally improve your grasp on intricate language nuances, all while expanding your Persian Farsi vocabulary. Whether you're looking to practice speaking, listening, or comprehension, our collection has you covered. Start learning today!

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Persian Farsi from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • آیا احتمال استعفای او وجود دارد؟

    Is there any possibility of his resigning?

  • این خانه در خطر فروریختن است.

    This house runs the risk of collapsing.

  • این خواهد سوخت.

    It will burn.

  • این مأموریت از ابتدا محکوم به شکست بود.

    The mission was doomed from the start.

  • او باید بی‌گناه باشد.

    He must be innocent.

  • او یک خانه بزرگ و دو خودرو داشت.

    He possessed a large house and two cars.

  • او می‌توانست پیشگویی کند و همیشه درست از آب در می‌آمد.

    He could make prophecies and they would always come true.

  • باید پست‌چی باشد.

    It must be the postman.

  • باید حقیقت داشته باشد.

    It must be true.

  • پیش‌بینی می‌کنم که در سفر اکتشافی آنها مشکلاتی پیش بیاید.

    I anticipate that there will be problems on their expedition.

  • تام از خطرات آگاه بود.

    Tom knew the risks.

  • ربات‌ها می‌توانند شرایط خطرناک را تحمل کنند.

    Robots can withstand dangerous conditions.

  • شما می‌توانید هرجایی که می‌خواهید، بروید.

    You can go wherever you want.

  • قایق‌ها می‌توانند غرق شوند.

    Boats can sink.

  • لزوماً اینطور نیست.

    It is not necessarily so.

  • ممکن است فارغ‌التحصیل نشوم.

    I may not graduate.

  • ممکن است که دیر برسیم.

    It's possible we'll arrive late.

  • من می‌توانم آن را ثابت کنم.

    I can prove it.

  • من می‌دانم آن چگونه نوشته شده است.

    I know how it is written.

  • من مطمئن نیستم که او دفعه بعد کی خواهد آمد.

    I am uncertain when he will come next.

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