Portuguese Sentences About At the Airport / Flying

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Embark on a linguistic journey with Clozemaster's curated list of 20 "At the Airport / Flying" sentences designed to enhance your Portuguese vocabulary. Perfect for intermediate Portuguese learners, these carefully selected phrases come complete with text-to-speech audio and English translations. Strengthen your grasp of the language through real-world Portuguese sentences and phrases encountered during air travel. This interactive learning experience will not only boost your confidence in comprehension but also in speaking. Discover the ease of mastering aviation-related vocabulary and prepare for smooth take-offs and landings in your Portuguese conversations! Start learning now and soar high with your improved language skills!

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Portuguese from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • Acima das nuvens, o piloto sentiu uma liberdade sem limites.

    Above the clouds, the pilot felt a freedom without boundaries.

  • Dei dez dólares de gorjeta ao taxista por me levar ao aeroporto a tempo.

    I tipped the cabbie ten bucks for getting me to the airport on time.

  • Este aeroporto é facilmente acessível de ônibus.

    This airport is easily accessible by bus.

  • Eu odeio voar à noite.

    I hate flying at night.

  • Existem muitas companhias aéreas neste aeroporto.

    There are many airlines in this airport.

  • O aeroporto é um centro importante.

    The airport is a major hub.

  • O avião está programado para chegar em Honolulu amanhã de manhã.

    The airplane is scheduled to arrive in Honolulu tomorrow morning.

  • O avião pousou sem problema.

    The plane landed without a problem.

  • O avião voou muito baixo.

    The airplane flew very low.

  • O comissário de bordo começou os anúncios.

    The flight attendant began the announcements.

  • O especialista em aviação analisou as estatísticas detalhadamente.

    The aviation expert analyzed the statistics in detail.

  • Onde estão suas malas?

    Where are your suitcases?

  • Os comissários de bordo serviram as refeições.

    The flight attendants served the meals.

  • Os passageiros ficaram nervosos quando o avião começou a vibrar.

    Passengers became nervous when the plane began to vibrate.

  • O traficante de drogas foi preso no aeroporto.

    The drug smuggler was arrested at the airport.

  • Posso ver sua identidade, por favor?

    Can I see your ID, please?

  • Tom apertou o cinto de segurança.

    Tom fastened his seatbelt.

  • Tom desceu do avião.

    Tom got off the plane.

  • Tom é um piloto.

    Tom is a pilot.

  • Tom mandou seu motorista levar a Mary ao aeroporto.

    Tom had his chauffeur drive Mary to the airport.

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