Portuguese Sentences About Directions

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Looking to improve your intermediate Portuguese vocabulary? Clozemaster is your go-to resource for learning key Portuguese sentences and phrases, especially when it comes to giving and understanding directions. This curated collection of 20 practical sentences will not only expand your directional vocabulary but also enhance your pronunciation with our text-to-speech audio. Each Portuguese sentence comes with an English translation, making it easier for you to learn and practice. Whether you’re navigating the streets of Lisbon or exploring the beaches of Brazil, these essential Portuguese phrases for directions are vital for your language toolkit. Start mastering Portuguese directions today and confidently take your language skills in the right direction!

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Portuguese from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • Caminhe ao longo do limite do parque.

    Walk along the edge of the park.

  • Cuidado com o buraco no chão!

    Watch out for the hole in the ground!

  • Deslize morro abaixo distribuindo seu peso igualmente em ambos os esquis.

    Slide down the hill while distributing your weight equally on both skis.

  • Devemos optar pela rota mais rápida.

    We should take the quicker route.

  • Ela vem do norte.

    She comes from the north.

  • Ele caminhou em direção ao parque.

    He walked towards the park.

  • Ele nos guiou até a estação.

    He led us to the station.

  • Ele veio pela rodovia.

    He came by the freeway.

  • Esta estrada conecta as duas cidades.

    This road connects the two cities.

  • Eu conheço um atalho.

    I know a shortcut.

  • Eu me pergunto qual caminho é o mais curto.

    I wonder which way is the shortest.

  • Leve as malas para cima.

    Take the bags upstairs.

  • O metrô está à direita!

    The metro is on the right!

  • O sol se põe no oeste.

    The sun sets in the west.

  • Precisamos de navegação para chegar lá.

    We need navigation to get there.

  • Sai do gramado!

    Get off the lawn!

  • Sentem-se em um círculo.

    Sit in a circle.

  • Tenha cuidado ao atravessar a rua.

    Be careful crossing the street.

  • Utilize o mapa para encontrar o destino.

    Use the map to find the destination.

  • Você vai na frente.

    You lead the way.

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