Portuguese Sentences About Fitness

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Welcome to Clozemaster, your go-to source for broadening your Portuguese vocabulary with practical Portuguese sentences! Designed for intermediate Portuguese learners, our collection of 20 fitness-themed sentences comes with text-to-speech audio and English translations, perfect for tuning your ear to the nuances of the language. Whether you're looking to enhance your comprehension or refine your pronunciation, our tailored Portuguese phrases centered on fitness will help you achieve your language goals. Dive into our engaging, context-rich sentences to boost your fluency and grasp essential Portuguese expressions today!

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Portuguese from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • A mãe dela faz aeróbica uma vez por semana.

    Her mother does aerobics once a week.

  • Após a longa caminhada, minhas pernas começaram a doer de cansaço.

    After the long hike, my legs began to ache with fatigue.

  • A yoga o torna mais flexível.

    Yoga makes you more flexible.

  • Ela mal conseguia andar depois de correr.

    She could barely walk after running.

  • Ela nada bem.

    She swims well.

  • Ela pode patinar.

    She can skate.

  • Ele consegue correr mil metros em quatro minutos.

    He can run a thousand meters in four minutes.

  • Ele correu por um intervalo de vinte minutos.

    He jogged for an interval of twenty minutes.

  • Ele está correndo dentro de casa.

    He is running indoors.

  • Ele está treinando para a maratona.

    He is training for the marathon.

  • Eles competiram na maratona.

    They competed in the marathon.

  • Ele se exercita em uma base diária.

    He exercises on a daily basis.

  • Eu corro de manhã.

    I run in the mornings.

  • Eu faço yoga.

    I do yoga.

  • O exercício melhora a saúde.

    Exercise improves health.

  • O lutador treinava duro todos os dias.

    The fighter trained hard every day.

  • Os músculos deles estão doloridos.

    Their muscles are sore.

  • Tom consegue levantar pesos pesados.

    Tom can lift heavy weights.

  • Tom mergulhou na piscina.

    Tom dove into the pool.

  • Vamos fazer uma caminhada amanhã.

    Let's go for a hike tomorrow.

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