Portuguese Sentences About Jobs

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Welcome to Clozemaster's comprehensive resource designed to enrich your Portuguese vocabulary with essential jobs and employment terms. Our curated list of 20 practical Portuguese sentences about 'Jobs' provides an invaluable tool for intermediate Portuguese learners aiming to advance their language proficiency. Each sentence, complete with text-to-speech audio and English translations, serves as a perfect vehicle to understand context and pronunciation. Delve into the world of work-related Portuguese phrases and equip yourself with the linguistic skills vital for real-world conversations. Begin mastering the language now with our interactive collection tailored for those dedicated to perfecting their command of Portuguese.

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Portuguese from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • A atriz fez sua estreia quando tinha oito anos.

    The actress made her debut when she was eight.

  • Ela quer ganhar mais dinheiro.

    She wants to earn more money.

  • Ela quer ser uma designer.

    She wants to be a designer.

  • Ela trabalha na indústria de cosméticos.

    She works in the cosmetics industry.

  • Ele decidiu se tornar um autor.

    He decided to become an author.

  • Ele escreve roteiros para programas de TV.

    He writes scripts for TV shows.

  • Ele vestiu um terno para parecer profissional na sua entrevista de emprego.

    He wore a suit to look professional for his job interview.

  • Eu dirijo um caminhão de entrega.

    I drive a delivery truck.

  • Há alguma possibilidade dele renunciar?

    Is there any possibility of his resigning?

  • Mark é um empreendedor de sucesso.

    Mark is a successful entrepreneur.

  • Meu irmão é um caminhoneiro de longa distância.

    My brother is a long-haul trucker.

  • O mecânico montou o motor.

    The mechanic assembled the engine.

  • Precisamos que isso seja pesquisado por um biólogo.

    We need to have this researched by a biologist.

  • Preciso de um intérprete.

    I need an interpreter.

  • Tom candidatou-se ao emprego.

    Tom applied for the job.

  • Tom é inapto para aquele trabalho.

    Tom is unfit for that job.

  • Tom está procurando um emprego.

    Tom is seeking a job.

  • Tom está projetando seu primeiro edifício.

    Tom is designing his first building.

  • Tom é um arquiteto.

    Tom is an architect.

  • Um sapateiro faz e conserta sapatos.

    A cobbler makes and repairs shoes.

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