Portuguese Sentences About Law

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Elevate your intermediate Portuguese vocabulary with Clozemaster's comprehensive list of 20 essential sentences about 'Law.' Perfect for learners aiming to enrich their linguistic skills, our collection features authentic Portuguese phrases complete with English translations and lifelike text-to-speech audio. Dive into the world of legal terminology and practice your pronunciation along the way. Whether you're interested in studying law-related Portuguese sentences or just looking to expand your everyday vocabulary, Clozemaster is the go-to resource for mastering the nuances of Portuguese language and phrases. Start now and sound like a local in no time!

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Portuguese from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • A casa foi invadida pela polícia.

    The house was raided by the police.

  • A polícia dispersou a multidão.

    The police dispersed the crowd.

  • A polícia estava desconfiada dos movimentos dele.

    The police were suspicious of his movements.

  • A polícia reuniu as provas.

    The police gathered the evidence.

  • As leis obrigam todos os cidadãos a pagar impostos.

    The laws oblige all citizens to pay taxes.

  • Documentos relacionados à sua vida privada foram roubados no assalto.

    Documents relating to his private life were stolen in the burglary.

  • Ele está aguardando a data do seu julgamento.

    He's awaiting his court date.

  • Ele foi incriminado por assassinato.

    He was framed for murder.

  • É legal votar aos 18 anos de idade.

    It is legal to vote at the age of 18.

  • Esse crime é passível de punição por morte.

    That crime is punishable by death.

  • Eu achava que a pena de morte deveria ser abolida.

    I thought the death penalty should be abolished.

  • Eu fui multado.

    I got fined.

  • O advogado duvidou da sua inocência.

    The lawyer doubted his innocence.

  • O policial encontrou uma arma na cena do crime.

    The officer found a weapon at the crime scene.

  • Por que você acusa o meu filho?

    Why do you accuse my son?

  • Precisamos notificar a polícia.

    We have to notify the police.

  • Todos merecem uma justiça justa.

    Everyone deserves fair justice.

  • Você não tem nenhuma obrigação de divulgar essa informação.

    You are under no obligation to divulge that information.

  • Você nunca deve recorrer à força.

    You must never resort to force.

  • Você vai relatar tudo honestamente?

    Will you report everything truthfully?

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