Portuguese Sentences About Literature

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Welcome to our dedicated resource designed to enhance your Portuguese vocabulary through literature! Dive into our curated list of 20 immersive Portuguese sentences, all centered around the enriching theme of literature. Each sentence comes with text-to-speech audio for accurate pronunciation, alongside English translations for context understanding. Perfect for intermediate Portuguese learners, these sentences and phrases will not only broaden your language skills but also deepen your appreciation for literary arts. Engage with our interactive platform and take your command of Portuguese phrases to the next level. Start learning today and watch your fluency grow with Clozemaster!

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Portuguese from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • A história tem reviravoltas surpreendentes.

    The story has surprising twists.

  • As duas palavras não rimavam.

    The two words didn't rhyme.

  • Crianças pequenas geralmente gostam de livros sobre dragões e outros monstros.

    Small children often like books about dragons and other monsters.

  • Ele cita frequentemente Milton.

    He often quotes Milton.

  • Ele tem um certo talento literário.

    He has some literary talent.

  • Era como um conto de fadas.

    It was like a fairytale.

  • Essa história é fato ou ficção?

    Is that story fact or fiction?

  • Estamos esperando a publicação do livro dele.

    We are expecting the publication of his book.

  • Este livro é muito grosso.

    This book is very thick.

  • Estou escrevendo um romance.

    I am writing a novel.

  • Eu sei como a história termina.

    I know how the story ends.

  • Livros são minha realidade alternativa.

    Books are my alternate reality.

  • Na história, elfos vivem na floresta.

    In the story, elves live in the forest.

  • O cenário do romance é a Inglaterra medieval.

    The setting of the novel is medieval England.

  • O herói morreu no final do livro.

    The hero died at the end of the book.

  • O livro está aqui.

    The book is here.

  • O livro tem muitos personagens interessantes.

    The book has many interesting characters.

  • Os poetas selecionam as melhores palavras.

    Poets select the best words.

  • Sua biografia foi inspiradora e marcante.

    Her biography was inspiring and memorable.

  • Toda fábula termina com uma moral.

    Every fable ends up with a moral.

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