Portuguese Sentences About Politics

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Welcome to Clozemaster, your go-to resource for expanding your Portuguese vocabulary with practical politics-related sentences. Whether you're an intermediate Portuguese learner or simply looking to refine your grasp of political terminology, our carefully curated list of 20 Portuguese sentences, complete with text-to-speech audio and English translations, will enhance your understanding of key phrases in the world of politics. Dive into our interactive learning platform and discover how to articulate political ideas with confidence. Unlock a world of conversation by mastering Portuguese phrases and sentences that are essential for any politically-informed dialogue. Start learning now and watch your Portuguese skills flourish!

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Portuguese from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • A medida política vai apenas acelerar a inflação.

    The policy will only accelerate inflation.

  • A soberania pertence exclusivamente ao povo.

    Sovereignty belongs to the people alone.

  • As pessoas frequentemente desconfiam das promessas dos políticos.

    People often distrust politicians' promises.

  • Ativistas estavam protestando do lado de fora do prédio.

    Activists were protesting outside the building.

  • A votação é unânime.

    The vote is unanimous.

  • Ele estudou as ideologias comunistas para o seu curso de ciência política.

    He studied the communist ideologies for his political science course.

  • Ele é um político enérgico.

    He is an energetic politician.

  • Eles se autoproclamam capitalistas.

    They are self-proclaimed capitalists.

  • Estamos de saco cheio da corrupção política.

    We are sick and tired of political corruption.

  • O Czar foi deposto.

    The Czar was overthrown.

  • O governo irá sancionar a organização terrorista.

    The government will sanction the terrorist organization.

  • O novo presidente aboliu muitos dos protocolos tradicionais.

    The new president did away with a lot of the traditional protocols.

  • O país deles está ameaçado pela anarquia.

    Their country is threatened by anarchy.

  • O país é governado pelo presidente.

    The country is governed by the president.

  • O protesto se espalhou em âmbito nacional em poucos dias.

    The protest spread nationwide within days.

  • O tratado foi assinado.

    The treaty was signed.

  • Sessenta delegados foram eleitos.

    Sixty delegates were elected.

  • Sua ideologia política foi moldada pela experiência.

    His political ideology was shaped by experience.

  • Tom é uma pessoa muito liberal.

    Tom is a very liberal person.

  • Uma votação democrática decidiu o líder.

    A democratic vote decided the leader.

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