Portuguese Sentences About Senses

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Welcome to Clozemaster, the ultimate platform for boosting your Portuguese vocabulary! Our carefully curated page features 20 immersive Portuguese sentences centered around the theme of "Senses," complete with text-to-speech audio and accurate English translations. Whether you're an intermediate Portuguese learner or looking to refine your grasp of essential Portuguese phrases, our interactive learning experience is designed to enhance your language skills in a contextual and engaging manner. Dive into our rich collection of auditory and visual stimuli and master the art of Portuguese communication with ease. Get ready to awaken your senses and elevate your language journey with Clozemaster today!

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Portuguese from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • Alguma coisa na cozinha está com um cheiro bom.

    Something in the kitchen smells good.

  • As pétalas de rosa são muito macias.

    Rose petals are very soft.

  • Cheire isso.

    Smell this.

  • Como é o cheiro dos cravos?

    What do carnations smell like?

  • Ela gosta do cheiro de pinheiros.

    She likes the smell of pine trees.

  • Ele engoliu rapidamente a sua comida.

    He swallowed his food quickly.

  • Ele ouviu passos.

    He heard footsteps.

  • Ele viu um pequeno fogo.

    He saw a small fire.

  • Estou cheirando as rosas.

    I am smelling the roses.

  • Eu amo o cheiro de napalm pela manhã.

    I love the smell of napalm in the morning.

  • Eu conheço esse som.

    I know that sound.

  • Lágrimas vieram aos meus olhos quando eu estava picando cebolas.

    Tears came into my eyes when I was chopping onions.

  • O bar estava tão enfumaçado que meus olhos começaram a arder.

    The bar was so smoky that my eyes started to sting.

  • O barulho alto assusta o bebê.

    The loud noise scares the baby.

  • O cheiro no quarto estava desagradável.

    The smell in the room was nasty.

  • O leite está com gosto azedo.

    The milk tastes sour.

  • Olha aquele lindo pôr do sol!

    Look at that beautiful sunset!

  • O vinagre tem um gosto ácido.

    Vinegar has a sharp taste.

  • Tem um odor agradável.

    It has a pleasant odor.

  • Um barulho a acordou.

    A noise woke her up.

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