Portuguese Sentences About Sports

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Welcome to your ultimate resource for boosting your Portuguese vocabulary with our curated list of 20 engaging sports-related sentences. Immerse yourself in the world of athletics through potent Portuguese phrases designed specifically for intermediate learners seeking to refine their language skills. Each sentence comes with precise English translations and high-quality text-to-speech audio to ensure an interactive learning experience. Dive into this valuable collection of Portuguese sentences about sports, and empower your communication abilities with authentic expressions that will make you sound like a native speaker on the field, in the gym, or while discussing the latest game. Start mastering your intermediate Portuguese with us now!

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Portuguese from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • A equipe da casa sempre tem vantagem sobre seus adversários.

    The home team always has an advantage over their opponents.

  • Ela está ganhando a corrida.

    She is winning the race.

  • Ela mal conseguia andar depois de correr.

    She could barely walk after running.

  • Ele conseguiu vencer a corrida.

    He succeeded in winning the race.

  • Ele é muito agressivo quando pratica esportes.

    He is very aggressive when playing sports.

  • Ele frequentemente participa de competições esportivas.

    He often participates in sports competitions.

  • Eles ficam nervosos ao assistir basquete.

    They get nervous while watching basketball.

  • Eles venceram a Copa do Japão por três anos em sequência.

    They won the Japan Cup three years in succession.

  • Eu jogo bastante vôlei.

    I play volleyball a lot.

  • Eu machuquei minha panturrilha jogando basquete.

    I injured my calf playing basketball.

  • Eu o venci no golfe.

    I beat him at golf.

  • Foi um jogo sujo.

    It was a foul play.

  • Nossa equipe ainda está invicta.

    Our team is still undefeated.

  • O jogador atacou o árbitro.

    The player attacked the referee.

  • O time de futebol do meu filho ganhou a partida.

    My son's football team won the game.

  • Ron gosta de surfar.

    Ron likes surfing.

  • Sua previsão para o jogo estava errada.

    His prediction for the game was wrong.

  • Tom gosta de lacrosse.

    Tom likes lacrosse.

  • Você gosta de boliche?

    Do you like bowling?

  • Você gosta de golfe?

    Are you fond of golf?

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