Romanian Sentences About Agreeing
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Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Romanian from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.
Aceasta are aprobarea mea.
This has my approval.
Ai avut perfectă dreptate.
You were totally right.
Am consimțit să merg.
I consented to go.
Am convenit asupra orei de întâlnire.
We agreed on the meeting time.
Am semnat acordul ieri.
We signed the agreement yesterday.
Cât despre mine, nu am nicio obiecție.
As for me, I have no objection.
Ea a acceptat cu reticență propunerea noastră.
She reluctantly agreed to our proposal.
Ea a aprobat planul meu.
She approved of my plan.
Ei aprobă.
They approve.
Ei au convenit asupra unui armistițiu temporar.
They agreed to a temporary truce.
Mă minunez cum ați putut fi de acord cu propunerea.
I marvel at how you could agree to the proposal.
Mințile geniale gândesc la fel.
Great minds think alike.
Sunt convins că te vei descurca de minune.
I'm convinced you'll do great.
Sunt de acord cu această afirmație.
I agree with that statement.
Sunt de acord cu el.
I agree with him.
Sunt de acord cu unele dintre opiniile dumneavoastră.
I agree with some of your opinions.
Sunt parțial de acord cu dumneavoastră.
I partly agree with you.
Sunt total de acord cu voi toți.
I fully agree with all of you.
Vă accept condițiile.
I accept your terms.
Votul este unanim.
The vote is unanimous.
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