Romanian Sentences About Criticizing
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Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Romanian from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.
Acest tip de lingușeală nu te va duce nicăieri.
That sort of flattery will get you nowhere.
A luat parte la o mare escrocherie.
He took part in a big scam.
Arăți ca un imbecil.
You look like an imbecile.
Arăți groaznic azi.
You look awful today.
Comportamentul ei a fost nepotrivit.
Her behavior was inappropriate.
Comportamentul lor a fost total nepotrivit.
Their behavior was utterly improper.
Comportamentul său a fost jenant.
His behavior was embarrassing.
Decizia sa a fost extrem de prostească.
His decision was extremely foolish.
El a negat acest fapt.
He denied that fact.
El se comportă într-un mod egoist.
He behaves in a selfish manner.
Este o adevărată pierdere de timp.
It is a sheer waste of time.
Mă acuzi că sunt un mincinos?
Are you accusing me of being a liar?
Miroși a țigări.
You stink of cigarettes.
Nu mai cheltuiți bani pe lucruri inutile.
Stop spending money on unnecessary things.
Remarcile sale au fost foarte ofensatoare.
His remarks were very offensive.
Sunteți un idiot.
You are a moron.
Ted este incompetent să predea limba engleză.
Ted is incompetent to teach English.
Tom și-a neglijat munca.
Tom neglected his work.
Unele ziare au distorsionat știrile.
Some newspapers distorted the news.
Unii membri ai consiliului au pus la îndoială capacitatea sa de a conduce corporația.
Some board members questioned his ability to run the corporation.
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