Romanian Sentences About Driving
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Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Romanian from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.
A apăsat pedala de frână.
He pressed the brake pedal.
Această mașină merge mult mai repede decât atât.
This car goes much faster than that.
A lăsat motorul pornit.
He left the motor running.
Am apăsat accelerația cu grijă.
I stepped on the accelerator carefully.
Am întors volanul spre dreapta.
I turned my steering wheel to the right.
Am parcat mașina în garaj.
We parked the car in the garage.
Aripile au fost puternic lovite.
The fender was badly dented.
Avea prejudecăți față de femeile șoferițe.
He was prejudiced against women drivers.
Aveți permis de conducere?
Do you have a driver's license?
Conduc o motocicletă.
I am riding a motorcycle.
Frânele au dispărut!
The brakes are gone!
Găsirea unei parcări în centrul orașului este atât de frustrantă.
Finding parking downtown is so frustrating.
Mama mea nu conduce niciodată de teamă să nu provoace un accident.
My mother never drives for fear of causing an accident.
Mașina are nevoie de anvelope noi.
The car needs new tires.
Mașina era o epavă completă.
The car was a complete wreck.
Mașina sa a fost grav avariată.
His car was seriously damaged.
Pe acest drum se află întotdeauna o mulțime de vehicule.
There are always a lot of vehicles on this road.
Scopul unui sens giratoriu este de a încetini traficul.
The purpose of a roundabout is to slow down traffic.
Tom a apăsat pe frână.
Tom stepped on the brake.
Tom parchează duba.
Tom is parking the van.
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