Romanian Sentences About Household
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Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Romanian from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.
Această față de masă trebuie spălată urgent.
That tablecloth urgently needs washing.
Am pus-o în sertar.
I put it in the drawer.
Avem nevoie de mai multe linguri pentru cină.
We need more spoons for dinner.
Camera era plină de resturi de hârtie.
The room was littered with scraps of paper.
Câte boluri avem?
How many bowls do we have?
Ceainicul fierbe.
The kettle is boiling.
Deblocați dulapul cu această cheie.
Unlock the cabinet with this key.
Florile vor înfrumuseța masa.
The flowers will brighten up the table.
Greblați frunzele din curtea din spate.
Rake the leaves in the backyard.
Instalatorul ne-a reparat chiuveta care curgea.
The plumber fixed our leaking sink.
La început, i-a fost greu să se adapteze la noua sa casă.
At first, he had trouble adjusting to living in his new house.
Locuim la etajul șase.
We live on the sixth floor.
Pe podea erau bucăți de sticlă spartă.
There were bits of broken glass on the floor.
Poți să cureți toaleta, te rog?
Could you clean the toilet, please?
Poți să ne repari chiuveta?
Can you fix our sink?
Spălați albele separat de hainele colorate.
Wash whites separately to colored clothes.
Tom este la subsol.
Tom is in the basement.
Tom repară frigiderul.
Tom is fixing the refrigerator.
Trei becuri s-au ars.
Three bulbs have burned out.
Vreau zece farfurii.
I want ten plates.
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