Romanian Sentences About Money

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Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Romanian from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • Acest diamant costă o avere.

    This diamond costs a fortune.

  • Am dificultăți financiare.

    I am in financial difficulties.

  • Banca percepe comisioane lunare.

    The bank charges monthly fees.

  • Cât costă?

    How much does it cost?

  • Cât costă taxa de intrare?

    How much is the entrance fee?

  • Cea mai mare parte a banilor a fost cheltuită.

    The greater part of the money was spent.

  • Costul vieții a crescut drastic.

    The cost of life increased drastically.

  • Dl Brown este consilierul nostru financiar.

    Mr. Brown is our financial adviser.

  • Ea a moștenit o avere mare.

    She inherited a large fortune.

  • El are doar patru pesos.

    He has only four pesos.

  • El a scos câteva monede.

    He took out some coins.

  • Finanțele sale s-au schimbat în rău.

    His finances have changed for the worse.

  • Francul este utilizat în Elveția.

    The franc is used in Switzerland.

  • În niciun caz nu putem accepta cecuri.

    Under no circumstances can we accept checks.

  • Mi-am plătit facturile.

    I paid my bills.

  • Numerar sau card de credit?

    Cash or credit card?

  • Se îneca în datorii la cardurile de credit.

    He was drowning in credit card debt.

  • Tom i-a dat bacșiș șoferului de taxi.

    Tom tipped the cab driver.

  • Toți contribuabilii au dreptul să știe unde se duc banii lor.

    All taxpayers have the right to know where their money goes.

  • Trebuie să plătesc factura.

    I need to pay the bill.

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