Romanian Sentences About Relationships
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Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Romanian from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.
Am încredere în ea.
I trust her.
Are o mulțime de cunoștințe.
He has a lot of acquaintances.
Avem interese comune.
We have common interests.
Cuplul s-a îmbrățișat strâns.
The couple embraced each other tightly.
Dă-i un pupic lui Tom.
Give Tom a kiss.
Ea i-a trădat încrederea.
She betrayed his trust.
Egoismul tău te va face să-ți pierzi prietenii.
Your selfishness will lose you your friends.
El a ignorat sfatul ei.
He ignored her advice.
I-am spus secretul lui Tom.
I told the secret to Tom.
Îi place de ea mai mult decât de oricine.
He fancies her more than anyone.
Îl văd rar.
I see him rarely.
În curând vei înceta să te mai gândești la ea.
You will soon cease to think of her.
Mary i-a dat lui Tom o cutie de ciocolată plină cu otravă.
Mary gave Tom a box of chocolates laced with poison.
Mă tratează ca pe un copil.
He treats me as a child.
Refuz să mă las păcălit de viclenia ei.
I refuse to be taken in by her guile.
Tom a contactat-o în secret pe Mary.
Tom has secretly been contacting Mary.
Tom a evitat-o pe Mary.
Tom has been avoiding Mary.
Tom are două prietene.
Tom has two girlfriends.
Tom i-a trimis un mesaj lui Mary.
Tom sent Mary a message.
Tu ești prietenul meu.
You are my friend.
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