Romanian Sentences About Senses
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Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Romanian from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.
A auzit pași.
He heard footsteps.
Acest squash miroase a pepene galben.
This squash smells like melon.
A văzut un foc mic.
He saw a small fire.
Ceva în bucătărie miroase bine.
Something in the kitchen smells good.
Cum miros garoafele?
What do carnations smell like?
Cunosc sunetul ăsta.
I know that sound.
Ea aude voci în noapte.
She hears voices in the night.
Eu miros trandafirii.
I am smelling the roses.
Îi place mirosul de pin.
She likes the smell of pine trees.
Îmi place mirosul de napalm dimineața.
I love the smell of napalm in the morning.
Laptele are un gust acru.
The milk tastes sour.
Mi-au dat lacrimile în ochi când tăiam ceapă.
Tears came into my eyes when I was chopping onions.
Mirosul din cameră era neplăcut.
The smell in the room was nasty.
Oțetul are un gust ascuțit.
Vinegar has a sharp taste.
Parfumul ei umplea întreaga cameră.
Her perfume filled the entire room.
Petalele de trandafir sunt foarte moi.
Rose petals are very soft.
Și-a înghițit repede mâncarea.
He swallowed his food quickly.
Uită-te la acest apus de soare frumos!
Look at that beautiful sunset!
Un zgomot a trezit-o.
A noise woke her up.
Zgomotul puternic sperie bebelușul.
The loud noise scares the baby.
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