Romanian Sentences About University
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Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Romanian from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.
Acea universitate are un curriculum foarte bun.
They have a very good curriculum at that university.
Ați terminat de redactat teza?
Have you finished writing your thesis?
Doi profesori iranieni de fizică au fost asasinați.
Two Iranian professors of physics were assassinated.
El petrecuse deja două ore lecturând când ea a intrat.
He had already spent two hours lecturing when she came in.
Era absentă de la cursuri.
She was absent from lectures.
Eu sunt student.
I am a student.
Fondatorii companiei s-au cunoscut în facultate.
The company's founders met in college.
Maria s-a pregătit suficient pentru examen.
Maria has sufficiently prepared for the exam.
Mulți studenți au joburi part-time.
A lot of students have part-time jobs.
Poți să-mi împrumuți notițele tale de sociologie?
Could you lend me your sociology notes?
Prelegerea a fost extrem de plictisitoare.
The lecture was extremely boring.
Profesori respectați predau la această universitate.
Respected professors teach at this university.
Săptămâna aceasta am avut trei examene.
This week I had three midterms.
Se specializează în literatură engleză.
He majors in English literature.
Studiază politica la universitate.
He is studying politics at university.
Studiază psihanaliza pentru a-și lua licența în psihologie.
He's studying psychoanalysis for his psychology degree.
Studiază teorii metafizice la universitate.
She studies metaphysical theories at university.
Tom a venit la Boston după absolvirea liceului.
Tom came to Boston after graduating from high school.
Tom mai are trei luni până la absolvire.
Tom has three months left until he graduates.
Trebuie să-mi editez lucrarea de cercetare.
I need to edit my research paper.
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