Romanian Sentences About Weather
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Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Romanian from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.
Aceste flori trebuie să fie protejate de ploaie.
These flowers should be sheltered from the rain.
A fost o noapte întunecată.
It was a dark night.
Alimentele erau din ce în ce mai puține în timpul secetei.
Food was getting scarce during the drought.
A plouat timp de o săptămână.
It rained for a week.
Când m-am trezit, ningea.
When I awoke, it was snowing.
Cerul a fost deprimant de înnorat astăzi.
The sky was depressingly cloudy today.
Credem că va ploua.
We think it's going to rain.
Forța vântului era puternică.
The force of the wind was powerful.
Fulgerul precede tunetul.
Lightning precedes thunder.
Indiferent de vremea rea, am decis să ies.
Regardless of the bad weather, I decided to go out.
Ploaia a fost continuă toată ziua.
The rain was continuous all day.
Probabil va ploua în această după-amiază.
It will likely rain this afternoon.
Răsăritul a fost incredibil de frumos.
The sunrise was incredibly beautiful.
Se răcește pe măsură ce iarna se apropie.
It's getting colder as winter approaches.
Transpiram de la căldură.
We were sweating in the heat.
Un meteorolog este o persoană cu care vremea nu este întotdeauna de acord.
A weatherman is someone with whom the weather does not always agree.
Un nor plutea pe cer.
A cloud floated across the sky.
Uraganul a distrus întregul sat.
The hurricane obliterated the entire village.
Vântul a suflat toată noaptea.
The wind blew all night long.
Vine furtuna.
The storm is coming.
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