Spanish Sentences About Business

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Elevate your intermediate Spanish to new heights with Clozemaster's engaging platform, perfect for those dedicated to mastering Spanish vocabulary. Our curated list of 20 key Spanish sentences about Business, complete with text-to-speech audio and English translations, is an invaluable resource. Immerse yourself in real-world Spanish phrases, specifically tailored to business contexts, that will sharpen your linguistic skills. Whether you're preparing for a meeting or seeking to communicate more effectively in the workplace, our interactive exercises will ensure you confidently grasp essential Spanish vocabulary. Start practicing now and become proficient in business Spanish swiftly!

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Spanish from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • Decidieron suspender el proyecto.

    They decided to suspend the project.

  • Ella entregará el paquete mañana.

    She will deliver the package tomorrow.

  • Ella solicitó una copia del informe.

    She requested a copy of the report.

  • El precio de este artículo no cubre el coste de su fabricación.

    The price of this article does not cover the cost of its manufacture.

  • Es accionista de la empresa.

    He is a shareholder in the company.

  • Fue engañado por un comerciante sin escrúpulos.

    He was cheated by an unscrupulous dealer.

  • Invirtió una gran suma en acciones.

    He invested a large sum in stocks.

  • La junta está considerando una nueva propuesta para aumentar las ventas.

    The board is considering a new proposition to increase sales.

  • La pérdida asciende a un millón de dólares.

    The loss amounts to a million dollars.

  • La secretaria insertó la carta en el sobre.

    The secretary inserted the letter in the envelope.

  • Las frustraciones aumentaban a medida que se acercaba el plazo.

    Frustrations mounted as the deadline rapidly approached.

  • Los archivos han desaparecido.

    The files are missing.

  • Los periódicos se venden en el quiosco.

    Newspapers are sold in the kiosk.

  • Los salarios han aumentado.

    Salaries have increased.

  • Por favor, rellena este cuestionario y envíanoslo.

    Please fill out this questionnaire and send it to us.

  • ¿Te gustaría unirte a nuestro equipo?

    Would you like to join our team?

  • Tenemos el derecho exclusivo de venta.

    We have the exclusive right to sell them.

  • ¿Tienen un salón de exposición para sus productos en la ciudad?

    Do you have a showroom for your products in the city?

  • Vende radios.

    He sells radios.

  • ¿Ya llegó el envío?

    Has the shipment arrived yet?

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