Spanish Sentences About Communication

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Looking to enrich your Spanish vocabulary and master the art of communication? Our carefully curated list of 20 essential Spanish sentences about 'Communication' not only enhances your language skills but also offers an immersive learning experience. Each sentence comes with crystal-clear text-to-speech audio and accurate English translations, perfect for intermediate Spanish learners eager to engage in meaningful conversations. Dive into our interactive collection of Spanish phrases tailored to boost your confidence in understanding and expressing ideas seamlessly. Start speaking like a native with our practical and context-rich Spanish sentences, and accelerate your journey towards Spanish fluency today!

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Spanish from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • ¿Alguno de ustedes quiere venir aquí y rehacer lo que acabo de hacer?

    Does one of you want to come here and redo what I just did?

  • A nadie le gustan los vendedores descorteses.

    Nobody likes impolite salesmen.

  • Él dio un discurso.

    He delivered a speech.

  • Él niega haberlo hecho.

    He denies having done it.

  • Él recopiló fragmentos de información.

    He collected bits of information.

  • Escucha cómo ronca.

    Listen to how he snores.

  • Es sorda y utiliza el lengua de signos.

    She is deaf and uses sign language.

  • La música es un lenguaje universal.

    Music is a universal language.

  • La situación ha cambiado drásticamente.

    The situation has changed dramatically.

  • Las reglas están para romperlas.

    Rules are meant to be broken.

  • Leyó la carta que ella le envió.

    He read the letter she mailed to him.

  • Los extremistas se negaron a negociar.

    The extremists refused to negotiate.

  • Me entregó un fardo de cartas.

    She handed me a bundle of letters.

  • No tengas miedo de fracasar.

    Don't be afraid to fail.

  • Parece indiferente a mis sugerencias.

    She seems indifferent to my suggestions.

  • ¿Pondrás tus preguntas en forma escrita?

    Will you put your questions in written form?

  • Por favor, cuéntame tu historia.

    Please tell me your story.

  • Preguntó por los particulares del acuerdo.

    He asked for the particulars of the deal.

  • Siento la interrupción.

    Sorry for the interruption.

  • Su secretaria negó haber filtrado la información.

    His secretary denied leaking the information.

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