Spanish Sentences About Cooking

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Welcome to Clozemaster: your go-to destination for boosting your Spanish vocabulary through engaging Spanish sentences and phrases! Our curated list of 20 Spanish sentences about cooking will spice up your language skills, perfect for intermediate Spanish learners seeking practical vocabulary. Each sentence comes equipped with text-to-speech audio to enhance your listening abilities, alongside English translations for a comprehensive learning experience. Dive into the culinary lexicon of the Spanish-speaking world and master the art of conversation with the flavors of authentic Spanish phrases. Start cooking up new linguistic skills with our interactive educational platform today!

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Spanish from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • Ayer, hice pasteles con champiñones.

    Yesterday, I baked pastries with mushrooms.

  • Cocino bistecs en la barbacoa.

    I cook steaks on the barbeque.

  • Combínalo todo y, voilá, la cena.

    Put everything together and, voilà, dinner.

  • ¿Cómo que se te cayó la cucharón en la olla?

    What do you mean you dropped the ladle in the pot?

  • El agua se congela a cero grados centígrados, ¿no?

    Water freezes at zero Celsius, right?

  • Empezó a picar el ajo.

    She began to mince the garlic.

  • Estaba asando a la parrilla usando carbón.

    He was grilling over charcoal.

  • Está haciendo un curso de cocina.

    She is taking a cooking course.

  • Hizo una salsa de arándanos para acompañar el pato.

    He made a cranberry sauce to accompany the duck.

  • La masa de pan sube lentamente en la cálida cocina.

    The bread dough rises slowly in the warm kitchen.

  • Para hacer una tarta, necesitas huevos, mantequilla y azúcar.

    To make a tart, you need eggs, butter, and sugar.

  • Prueba esta salsa.

    Try this sauce.

  • Puso la comida en la olla.

    Put the food in the pot.

  • ¿Sabes preparar una tortilla francesa?

    Can you cook an omelet?

  • Sazoné el pescado con sal y pimienta.

    I seasoned the fish with salt and pepper.

  • ¿Te acordaste de apagar la cocina?

    Did you remember to turn the cooker off?

  • Tom cortó en tiras la lechuga.

    Tom shredded the lettuce.

  • Tom está asando carne.

    Tom is grilling meat.

  • Tom se hizo un sándwich de mantequilla de cacahuete.

    Tom made himself a peanut butter sandwich.

  • Un chef experimentado le enseñó a cocinar.

    An experienced chef taught him cooking.

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