Spanish Sentences About Describing Places

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Elevate your Spanish vocabulary and comprehension with Clozemaster's collection of expressive Spanish sentences tailored for intermediate learners. Our specially crafted page on "Describing Places" offers an invaluable resource to grasp the nuances of Spanish phrases and landscape descriptions. Each sentence features text-to-speech audio for perfecting pronunciation and includes English translations to ensure understanding. Dive into our engaging selection of Spanish phrases and make remarkable strides in your language journey. With Clozemaster, you'll confidently describe any location in Spanish, enrich your conversations, and take a significant step towards fluency. Start mastering these vivid descriptions today and bring the beauty of every place to life in your Spanish dialogues.

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Spanish from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • Ahora, vemos el interior del castillo.

    Now, we see the interior of the castle.

  • Alquilamos una cabaña acogedora en las montañas.

    We rented a cozy cabin in the mountains.

  • El aeródromo de la isla ahora está lleno de maleza.

    The airfield on the island is now covered with weeds.

  • El parque es sombreado.

    The park is shady.

  • El suelo estaba muy desnivelado.

    The ground was very uneven.

  • El teatro está vacío.

    The theater is empty.

  • La cocina chilena es bastante singular.

    The Chilean cuisine is rather unique.

  • La iglesia está rodeada de bosques y lagos.

    The church is surrounded by woods and lakes.

  • Las carreteras están llenas de baches.

    The roads are bumpy.

  • Las cocinas americanas son mucho más grandes que las japonesas.

    American kitchens are much bigger than Japanese ones.

  • Las vistas de Roma son impresionantes.

    The sights in Rome are breathtaking.

  • Los alrededores estaban muy tranquilos.

    The surrounding area was very quiet.

  • Mi casa es grande.

    My house is big.

  • Nadie ha cruzado ese desierto infernal en cientos de años.

    No one has crossed that infernal desert in hundreds of years.

  • ¡Qué escaleras tan estrechas!

    What narrow stairs!

  • Tom oía el piar de los pájaros al otro lado de su ventana.

    Tom could hear birds chirping outside his window.

  • Vista desde lejos, la isla parecía una nube.

    Viewed from a distance, the island looked like a cloud.

  • Vive en una aldea.

    He lives in a village.

  • Viven en un vecindario agradable.

    They live in a nice neighborhood.

  • Yo vivo enfrente.

    I live across the street.

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