Spanish Sentences About Directions

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Master intermediate Spanish with Clozemaster! Enhance your Spanish vocabulary and comprehension with our engaging list of 20 practical sentences focused on giving and understanding directions. Each sentence is accompanied by text-to-speech audio to perfect your pronunciation, along with English translations to ensure clarity. Immerse yourself in learning key Spanish phrases crucial for everyday conversations. Whether you're navigating city streets or asking for guidance, these sentences are tailored to boost your language skills effectively. Dive into our interactive lessons and confidently converse with locals. Join us at Clozemaster and elevate your command of Spanish sentences and phrases today!

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Spanish from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • Conozco un atajo.

    I know a shortcut.

  • Deslízate colina abajo distribuyendo tu peso por igual sobre ambos esquís.

    Slide down the hill while distributing your weight equally on both skis.

  • El autobús se dirigía hacia el norte.

    The bus was heading north.

  • Ella viene del norte.

    She comes from the north.

  • Esta carretera conecta las dos ciudades.

    This road connects the two cities.

  • Este es el camino al parque.

    This is the way to the park.

  • Flexiona las rodillas y mira delante de ti.

    Bend your knees and look in front of you.

  • ¡Fuera del césped!

    Get off the lawn!

  • Guías tú.

    You lead the way.

  • Llegó por la autopista.

    He came by the freeway.

  • Los dirigimos a la estación.

    We directed them to the station.

  • Me dio instrucciones precisas para hacer el trabajo.

    He gave me precise instructions to do the job.

  • Me pregunto cuál es el camino más corto.

    I wonder which way is the shortest.

  • Miró a la derecha.

    He looked to the right.

  • Necesitamos navegación para llegar.

    We need navigation to get there.

  • Nos guio a la estación.

    He led us to the station.

  • Pon el abrigo en la percha.

    Put the coat on the hanger.

  • Sube las bolsas.

    Take the bags upstairs.

  • Ten cuidado al cruzar la calle.

    Be careful crossing the street.

  • Una mujer me pidió indicaciones.

    A woman asked me for directions.

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