Spanish Sentences About Nature

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Welcome to our immersive learning platform, where mastering Spanish vocabulary becomes an enthralling experience! Our carefully curated selection of 20 Spanish sentences about "Nature" is designed for intermediate Spanish learners looking to enhance their language skills. Accompanied by crystal-clear text-to-speech audio and precise English translations, each phrase will deepen your understanding of the natural world while reinforcing your grasp on essential Spanish vocabulary. Dive into our educational resource and let these eloquent Spanish phrases about nature's beauty propel your vocabulary to new heights. Start practicing now and witness your Spanish fluency blossom!

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Spanish from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • El cañón era inmenso y hermoso.

    The canyon was vast and beautiful.

  • El conejo empezó a saltar en la hierba.

    The rabbit began to hop in the grass.

  • El deterioro del santuario se debe, en parte, a la lluvia ácida.

    The decay of the shrine is due, in part, to acid rain.

  • El explorador se aventuró en el desierto.

    The explorer ventured into the wilderness.

  • El mirlo silba.

    The blackbird whistles.

  • El sol salió por el horizonte.

    The sun rose over the horizon.

  • Ese arbusto necesita agua.

    That bush needs water.

  • Hizo una foto del hermoso paisaje.

    He took a picture of the beautiful landscape.

  • La atracción gravitacional de la luna afecta a las mareas.

    The moon's gravitational pull affects tides.

  • Las abejas zumban.

    A bee buzzes.

  • Los castores pueden cortar árboles con los dientes.

    Beavers can cut down trees with their teeth.

  • No alimentes a los patos.

    Do not feed the ducks.

  • Nosotros disfrutamos de ir a la playa.

    We enjoy going to the beach.

  • Pronto será la puesta de sol.

    The sunset is soon.

  • Se levantó un fuerte viento.

    A strong wind arose.

  • Se puede pasear por las colinas.

    You can go for walks on the hills.

  • Una manada de lobos atacó al viajero.

    A pack of wolves attacked the traveler.

  • Una nube flotó por el cielo.

    A cloud floated across the sky.

  • Vimos lo que parecía un oasis en el desierto.

    We saw what looked like an oasis in the desert.

  • Voy al parque.

    I go to the park.

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