Spanish Sentences About Politics

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Welcome to Clozemaster, where mastering Spanish vocabulary becomes an engaging experience! Our collection of 20 politically-themed Spanish sentences, complete with text-to-speech audio and English translations, is designed to help intermediate Spanish learners deepen their understanding of political discourse. These carefully curated Spanish phrases will expand your language skills as you listen, repeat, and practice. If you're looking to confidently navigate the world of politics using authentic Spanish expressions, look no further. Join us at Clozemaster, and take a significant stride towards fluency by immersing yourself in the essential political Spanish vocabulary today!

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Spanish from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • A pesar de que los tiempos cambiaron, él mantiene sus ideas revolucionarias.

    Despite the fact times changed, he maintains his revolutionary ideas.

  • El nuevo presidente eliminó muchos protocolos tradicionales.

    The new president did away with a lot of the traditional protocols.

  • El Zar fue derrocado.

    The Czar was overthrown.

  • Estamos hartos de la corrupción política.

    We are sick and tired of political corruption.

  • Es un político energético.

    He is an energetic politician.

  • Ha llegado un comité de congresistas.

    A committee of congressmen has arrived.

  • La política sólo acelerará la inflación.

    The policy will only accelerate inflation.

  • La protesta se extendió por todo el país en unos pocos días.

    The protest spread nationwide within days.

  • La soberanía sólo pertenece al pueblo.

    Sovereignty belongs to the people alone.

  • La votación es unánime.

    The vote is unanimous.

  • Los activistas estaban protestando fuera del edificio.

    Activists were protesting outside the building.

  • Los dos países negociarán un acuerdo para resolver la crisis.

    The two countries will negotiate a settlement to the crisis.

  • Mientras haya naciones soberanas que posean gran poder, la guerra es inevitable.

    As long as there are sovereign nations possessing great power, war is inevitable.

  • Se eligieron 60 delegados.

    Sixty delegates were elected.

  • Se firmó el tratado.

    The treaty was signed.

  • Son capitalistas autoproclamados.

    They are self-proclaimed capitalists.

  • Su ideología política estaba moldeada por la experiencia.

    His political ideology was shaped by experience.

  • Su país está amenazado por la anarquía.

    Their country is threatened by anarchy.

  • Tom es una persona muy liberal.

    Tom is a very liberal person.

  • Una votación democrática eligió al líder.

    A democratic vote decided the leader.

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