Spanish Sentences About School

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Welcome to the ultimate resource for enhancing your Spanish vocabulary! Our carefully curated list of 20 practical Spanish sentences about 'School' provides intermediate Spanish learners with an invaluable tool to master essential Spanish phrases. Each entry features high-quality text-to-speech audio to perfect pronunciation, alongside accurate English translations for seamless learning. Dive into our interactive experience designed to elevate your language skills and gain confidence in using Spanish sentences in educational settings. Start mastering school-related Spanish vocabulary today and communicate more effectively in your academic ventures!

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Spanish from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • Cuando iba al colegio, odiaba escribir ensayos.

    When I was in school, I really hated writing essays.

  • Debemos limpiar nuestra aula.

    We must clean our classroom.

  • El conserje del colegio limpia el gimnasio por la tarde.

    The school custodian cleans the gym in the evening.

  • Ella es popular en la escuela.

    She is popular at school.

  • El profesor se acerca lentamente al aula.

    The teacher approaches the classroom slowly.

  • Entendí lo que explicaba el profesor.

    I caught on to what the teacher was explaining.

  • Estaba estudiando para el examen.

    He was studying for the exam.

  • Esta escuela no tiene calefacción.

    This school has no heating.

  • Hoy estudiaremos la formación de la Tierra.

    Today, we are going to study the formation of the Earth.

  • La escuela comienza a las 9 de la mañana.

    School begins at 9 AM.

  • Lo expulsaron de la escuela.

    He was expelled from school.

  • ¡Los almuerzos escolares son asquerosos!

    School lunches are disgusting!

  • Los alumnos tenían actitudes hostiles hacia el profesor.

    The students had hostile attitudes toward the teacher.

  • Los estudiantes están teniendo un receso ahora.

    The students are having a recess now.

  • No se permite fumar en clase.

    Smoking is not permitted in class.

  • Sam es mi compañero de biología.

    Sam is my classmate in biology.

  • ¿Te gustan tus compañeros de clase?

    Do you like your classmates?

  • Todos nuestros hijos van a la escuela local.

    Our children all go to the local school.

  • Tom siempre hace sus tareas escolares con diligencia.

    Tom always does his schoolwork diligently.

  • Vístete y ve a la escuela.

    Get dressed and go to school.

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